San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for March 2013
Enforcement Actions for March 2013
Staff Contact: Chiara Clemente
During the month of March 2013, the San Diego Water Board issued the following enforcement actions:
Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Order (1)
Staff Enforcement Letters (5)
A summary of recent regional enforcement actions is provided below. Additional information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties is available to the public from the following on-line sources:
In addition to the summary information provided below, access to information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties (MMPs) is available to the public from the State Water Resources Control Board Internet webpage at:
Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Order
City of Oceanside, Haymar Sewer Spill
On March 13, 2013, the San Diego Water Board adopted Settlement Agreement and Stipulation for Order No. R0-2013-0004, pursuant to Water Code Section 13385. This Administrative Civil Liability Order formally approves an assessed liability of $770,184 against the City of Oceanside for the discharge of untreated sewage from its collection system to Buena Vista Creek, Buena Vista Lagoon, and the Pacific Ocean in December 2010. The Order prescribes that half of the assessed liability is suspended upon successful completion of two Enhanced Compliance Actions (ECAs). The first ECA involves the installation of Cured in Place Pipe (CIPP) lining of the collection system in two areas, located adjacent to waters of the State. The second ECA involves the purchase and deployment of 20 SmartCovers (wireless level monitoring units with immediate alarming and data logging capabilities) in priority areas within the City’s collection system. Both ECAs are focused on the prevention and minimization of similar sewage spills.
Staff Enforcement Letters
City of San Diego, North City Water Reclamation Plant
A Staff Enforcement Letter (SEL) was issued to the City of San Diego on March 6, 2013 for violations of the 12-month running average effluent limitation for Manganese in July, August, September, October, November, December 2012, and January 2013. These are violations of WDR Order No. 97-03.
City of San Diego, South Bay Water Reclamation Plant
An SEL was issued to the City of San Diego on March 6, 2013 for multiple violations of the 30-day average effluent limitation for chloride during the months of June, July, October, and December 2012 and January 2013, and for exceeding the daily effluent median coliform limitation on September 24, 25, and 26, 2012. These are violations of WDR Order No. R9-2000-0203.
Otay Municipal Water District, Ralph W. Chapman Water Recycling Facility
An SEL was issued to the Otay Municipal Water District on March 13, 2013 for violations of the 12-month average effluent limitation for total Nitrogen in June, July, August, September, October, November, December 2012, and January 2013, and for exceeding the daily maximum effluent limitation for Methyl Blue Activated Substances (MBAS) on June 13, 2012. These are violations of WDR Order No. R9-2007-0038.
City of Oceanside, Oceanside Ocean Outfall
An SEL was issued to the City of Oceanside on March 15, 2013 for an unauthorized discharge that occurred on December 16, 2011, for violations of the instantaneous maximum effluent limitation and the average weekly maximum effluent limitation for settleable solids during the week of February 23, 2012, for deficient monitoring reports in January 2012, and for a late submittal of the electronic self-monitoring report (eSMR) for the January-March 2012 quarterly monitoring report. These are violations of NPDES Order No. R9-2011-0016. The effluent violations are subject to mandatory minimum penalties pursuant to California Water Code Section 13385.
Otay Landfill, Inc., Chula Vista
An SEL was issued to Otay Landfill Inc. on March 15, 2013 noting violations of best management practice requirements that were identified during a compliance inspection conducted March 12, 2013 at the Otay Landfill.