San Diego Region - Enforcement Actions for February 2015

Enforcement Actions for February 2015

Staff Contact: Chiara Clemente

During the month of February, the San Diego Water Board issued 12 written enforcement actions as follows; 4 Notice of Violations, and 8 Staff Enforcement Letters. A summary of each enforcement action taken is provided in the Table below. The State Water Board’s Enforcement Policy contains a brief description of the kinds of enforcement actions the Water Boards can take.

Additional information on violations, enforcement actions, and mandatory minimum penalties is available to the public from the following on-line sources:

State Water Board Office of Enforcement webpage:

California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS):

State Water Board GeoTracker database:


02/03/2015 Notice of Violation R9-2015-0032 Laurel Pointe, Vista Failure to comply with discharge and effluent prohibitions, to implement best management practices (BMPs), and prevent unauthorized non storm-water discharge. National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) General Construction Storm Water Permit Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ.
02/10/2015 Notice of Violation R9-2015-0024 City of Escondido MS4, Escondido Failure to comply with discharge prohibitions and effluent limitations, to implement Standard Urban Storm Water Mitigation Plan (SUSMP), and to adequately enforce Priority Development Sites. NPDES General Municipal Storm Water Permit Order No. R9-2007-0001.
02/19/2015 Notice of Violation R9-2015-0039 Unnamed Creek, Gunnarsson Gove, Fallbrook Failure to provide report of waste discharge, and failure to obtain water quality certification for discharge of waste to waters. California Water Code (CWC) sections 13260(a) and 13376.
02/20/2015 Notice of Violation R9-2015-0031 City of San Diego MS4, San Diego Failure to comply with discharge prohibitions and effluent limitations for construction activities and to require adequate BMPs. NPDES General Municipal Storm Water Permit Order Nos. R9-2013-0001 and R9-2007-0001.
02/03/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Seville Cleaners, Santee Failure to adequately report annual groundwater monitoring. Water Discharge Requirements (WDR) Order R9-2012-0002.
02/05/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Bell Jr High Landfill, San Diego Failure to implement adequate BMPs and to report location of slope failures. WDR Order No. R9-2012-0001.
02/06/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Solar Turbines Inc., San Diego Exceedance of 12-month average effluent limitation for manganese during August and September 2014. WDR Order No. 97-003.
02/11/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Van Ommering Dairy, L.P, Lakeside Reporting violations in the 2014 annual monitoring report. General WDR Order No. R9-2008-0130 for existing Dairy Animal Feeding Operations.
02/11/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Whispering Palms Community Service District, Encinitas Exceedance of maximum 30-day effluent limitation for Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) and for Chloride. WDR Order No. 94-80.
02/17/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter T.D. Dairy, Ramona Reporting violations in the 2014 annual monitoring report. Reporting violations in the 2014 annual monitoring report.
02/20/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Oma’s Pumpkin Patch, Lakeside Failure to file Notice of Intent (NOI) to enroll. Conditional WDR Waiver Order No. R9-2014-0041.
02/27/2015 Staff Enforcement Letter Carmel Valley Road Easterly Extension, San Diego Failure to implement adequate BMPs, and to control sediment and non-storm-water discharge. NPDES General Construction Storm Water Permit Order No. 2009-0009-DWQ.