Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1 for Janesville Payless Gas Station

Project Information

The Lahontan Water Board intends to issue Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1 within the year. The Proposed Amended CAO names Linda Hardy, Jody Ellena, Ramesh Turen, and Rajinder Singh as “Dischargers” and orders the cleanup of discharges of petroleum products from the Janesville Payless Gas station (Site). The discharges have resulted in violations of prohibitions contained in the Water Board’s Water Quality Control Plan.

The Amended CAO is being issued to require the Dischargers to cleanup and abate the effects of discharges of petroleum products originating from the Site to the underlying groundwater. Furthermore, the Proposed CAO requires the Dischargers to continue to provide wellhead treatment of water from production well WW-3 for domestic use at the Site (463-770 Main Street) and the adjacent parcel located at 463-760 Main Street, which contains the Fire House Grill and a residence. These actions are needed to protect human health and the environment, and existing and potential beneficial uses with the goal of restoring the drinking water aquifer for human consumption without wellhead treatment.

Documents Available for Public Review

The Proposed Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1, included as an enclosure to the request for comments letter, is available for a 30-day public review period to allow for public comments.

 The Lahontan Water Board will accept written comments on the Proposed Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1 and the Request for Comments letter until 5:00 pm on December 9, 2024.

 Comments may be submitted electronically, via email, with the subject “Janesville Payless Gas Proposed Amended CAO Comments – [name of commenter]” to the following email address:

 View: Request for Comments – Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1 dated November 8, 2024

 View: Proposed Amended Cleanup and Abatement Order No. 6-00-71A1 for 30-day public review

Other Documents and Information

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Todd Battey
Phone: (760) 241-7340