Permitting Questions
»» Instructions for requesting a prohibition exemption to use aquatic pesticides
If you have questions about the Board’s permitting process, or if you need special assistance with obtaining a permit for your project, you may want to visit one or more of the following sites:
- The Table of General Permits Applicable to the Lahontan Region describes the general permits available for many types of projects and waste discharges. The Table provides links to the general permits, describes the general permits and the information necessary to obtain the permits, including the required fees.
- The Project Application Checklist will be useful if you are in need of a permit from the Board and are unfamiliar with the process of obtaining a permit.
- If applying for individual permit coverage or for a general permit that does not provide a Notice of Intent (NOI) or specific application, use Form 200 - Report of Waste Discharge
- You may also want to see a list of Regional Board staff and their telephone numbers or the Region’s organizational chart.
- To obtain assistance with a problem you are having in obtaining a permit or project approval from the Board or its staff, you should visit our Ombudsman for the Regional Board site and contact the Board’s Ombudsman.
- Some Environmental Improvement Program (EIP) projects and other projects may be regulated by the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency and not the Regional Water Quality Control Board. Refer to these external links for more information.
- All permits, including general permits require permit holders to pay annual fees. Annual fee requirements may be specified in the Notice of Applicability letter sent to General Permit applicants upon granting coverage, or in other correspondence, or through other means available to the Water Board such as posting information concerning annual fees on this Website. See the Table of General Permits Applicable to the Lahontan Region for annual fee summaries. You may also refer to the individual permit language for specific requirements on fees and requesting revocation at project completion.