Hot Springs Canyon Creek - Sediment/siltation
H.U. 630.30
The five waterbodies (Aurora Canyon Creek, Clark Canyon Creek, Clearwater Creek, Hot Springs Canyon Creek, and Rough Creek) are adjacent to the Nevada Border in Mono County, California, east of the town of Bridgeport and Highway 395, and north of Mono Basin in the Bodie Hills. The Hot Springs Canyon Creek watershed covers an area of approximately 5 square miles on the lower western slope of Bodie Mountain. Hot Springs Canyon Creek flows west for approximately 4 miles from its headwaters to its confluence with a drainage ditch. The drainage ditch flows into the East Walker River approximately 4 miles upstream of the Bridgeport Reservoir.
The Lahontan RWQCB included Aurora Canyon Creek, Clark Canyon Creek, Clearwater Creek, Hot Springs Canyon Creek, and Rough Creek on the 1998 Section 303(d) list as impaired waterbodies for habitat alterations and sediment/siltation. Listing basis was derived from data collected nearly 20 years ago from one point on the 2.9-mile reach. More current information developed by the BLM in 2000 and Water Board staff in 2007 does not indicate impairment.
Beneficial uses designated for these streams include:
- Municipal and Domestic Supply (MUN)
- Agricultural Supply (AGR)
- Ground Water Recharge (GWR)
- Freshwater Replenishment (FRSH)
- Water Contact Recreation (REC-1)
- Non-Contact Water Recreation (REC-2)
- Commercial and Sport Fishing (COMM)
- Cold Freshwater Habitat (COLD)
- Wildlife Habitat (WILD)
- Rare, Threatened or Endangered Species (RARE) -Rough Creek only
- Migration of Aquatic Organisms (MIGR)
- Spawning, Reproduction and /or Early Development (SPWN)
- Water Quality Enhancement (WQE)