PG&E Hinkley Chromium Cleanup
PG&E 2015 CLEANUP & ABATEMENT ORDER (adopted November 4, 2015)
- Cleanup and Abatement Order No. R6V-2015-0068
Requiring Pacific Gas And Electric Company to Clean Up and Abate Waste Discharges of Total And Hexavalent Chromium to the Groundwaters of the Mojave Hydrologic Unit - At its November 4, 2015 meeting, the Lahontan Water Board issued a comprehensive Cleanup and Abatement Order against Pacific Gas and Electric Company to continue its cleanup of chromium-contaminated groundwater in Hinkley, Calif. The Water Board’s meeting agenda page includes comment letters, presentations and audio files for agenda item 6 (the proposed PG&E CAO).
Proposed Cleanup & Abatement Order
The proposed CAO directs PG&E to continue and improve cleanup actions to remediate chromium-contaminated groundwater; define the chromium plume where it remains incompletely defined; sets plume capture requirements; and sets deadlines to meet interim cleanup targets. A monitoring and reporting program is included. Click on the links below to view the CAO and attachments.
- Prosecution Team Response to October 16, 2015 Proposed Cleanup and Abatement Order, dated November 3, 2015
- Comments on Proposed Cleanup and Abatement Order from Carmela Spasojevich, dated November 2, 2015
- Water Board Response to Prosecution Team Objections to Hearing Procedures
- Advisory Team Response to Comments Received by March 13, 2015
- Advisory Team Response to Comments Received by September 30, 2015
- Prosecution Team Objections to Hearing Procedures
- Hearing Notice and Hearing Procedures
- Proposed Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) (in
strikeoutand underline format)- Attachment 1 - Orders Replaced by CAO No. R6V-2015-PROPOSED
- Attachment 2 - Location of Chromium Plumes (3rd quarter 2014)
- Attachment 3 - Area of Plume Expansion
- Attachment 4 - Active Water Board Orders and Notices Authorizing Cleanup Actions
- Attachment 5 - Hydraulic Capture Metrics
- Attachment 6 - Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Shallow Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Attachment 7 - Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Deep Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Attachment 8 - Groundwater MRP, CAO No. R6V-2015-PROPOSED
- Attachment 9 - Summary of Performance and Submittal Requirements
- Proposed Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) (in
- PG&E Draft Cleanup and Abatement Order - Request for Comments Due September 30, 2015 (by 5 p.m.)
- Water Board Advisory Team Request for Comments
- Draft Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) - 9/1/15 (including a key for reviewing the CAO)
- Attachment 1 - Orders Replaced by CAO No. R6V-2015-DRAFT
- Attachment 2 - Location of Chromium Plumes (3rd quarter 2014)
- Attachment 3 - Area of Plume Expansion
- Attachment 4 - Active Water Board Orders and Notices Authorizing Cleanup Actions
- Attachment 5 - Hydraulic Capture Metrics
- Attachment 6 - Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Shallow Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Attachment 7 - Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Deep Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Attachment 8 - Groundwater MRP, CAO No. R6V-2015-DRAFT
- Attachment 9 - Summary of Performance and Submittal Requirements
- Comments Received by the September 30, 2015, deadline
- Public Workshop - PG&E Hinkley Draft CAO, September 16, 2015, Barstow, CA
- Lahontan Water Board Prosecution Team and PG&E Consensus Language for the Cleanup and Abatement Order
The below documents are provided for your information. This is not a request for comments at this time.
The Lahontan Water Board Prosecution Team and PG&E provided the below documents which contain proposed consensus language for the proposed Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) in response to the Executive Officer's letter dated June 25, 2015. The June 25th letter provided the parties additional time to develop in consensus proposed changes to the original proposed CAO. The Water Board's advisors will review the proposed consensus language and provide a revised CAO draft for the public’s review in August, which may incorporate all or some of the proposed consensus language and other changes based upon comments previously received and ideas generated at the May workshop. A workshop on the new draft will be held at the September 16-17, 2015 Board meeting in Barstow. After a public comment period on the new draft CAO, the Water Board will plan to consider adoption of a final CAO at its November 4-5, 2015 Board meeting, which will also be held in Barstow. A final schedule, including the comment period on the revised draft, will be released with the revised draft in August.
The Lahontan Water Board is not requesting comments on the below documents, but welcomes your comments on the revised draft CAO to be issued in August.
- Policy Theme Summary List (from afternoon breakout groups)
- Workshop Comments
- CAO and Investigative Orders Replaced by CAO No. R6V-2015-PROP
- Location of Chromium Plumes (Third Quarter 2014)
- Area of Allowed Plume Expansion
- Active Water Board Orders and Notices Authorizing Clean up Actions
- Hydraulic Capture Metrics
- Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Shallow Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Hydraulic Capture Monitoring Plan, Deep Zone of Upper Aquifer
- Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting Program, CAO No. R6V-2015-PROP
CAO References
References for the CAO can be viewed by clicking on the link in the "Exhibit File Name" column
Exhibit No. | Document Date | Document Title | Author | Exhibit File Name |
1 | 8/10/1972 | Board Order No. 6-72-44, Waste Discharge Requirements (WDRs) for PG&E Hinkley Compressor Station | Water Board | 1_ 6_72_44.pdf |
2 | 12/29/1987 | Cleanup and Abatement Order (CAO) 6-87-160 | Water Board | 2_6_87_160.pdf |
3 | 6/3/1994 | CAO 6-87-160A1 | Water Board | 3_6_87_160a1.pdf |
4 | 8/3/1998 | CAO 6-87-160A2 | Water Board | 4_6_87_160a2.pdf |
5 | 5/19/2005 | State Water Board Order WQ 2005-0007, In the Matter of the Petition of Olin Corporation and Standard Fusee, Incorporated, For Review of CAO R3-2004-0101 | State Water Board | 5_wqo_2005_0007.pdf |
6 | 4/9/2008 | Board Order No. R6V-2008-0014, General WDRs for Site-wide Groundwater Remediation Project | Water Board | 6_r6v_2008_0014.pdf |
7 | 8/6/2008 | CAO R6V-2008-0002 | Water Board | 7_r6v_2008_0002.pdf |
8 | 11/12/2008 | CAO R6V-2008-0002A1 | Water Board | 8_r6v_2008_0002a1.pdf |
9 | 4/7/2009 | CAO R6V-2008-0002A2 | Water Board | 9_r6v_2008_0002a2.pdf |
10 | 4/7/2009 | Notice of Applicability, R6V-2008-0014 | Water Board | 10_noa_4_7_09.pdf |
11 | 8/17/2009 | Notice of Applicability, R6V-2008-0014 | Water Board | 11_noa_8_17_09.pdf |
12 | 7/7/2010 | Notice of Applicability, R6V-2008-0014 | Water Board | 12_noa_7_7_10.pdf |
13 | 8/30/2010 | Feasibility Study | PG&E | 13_fs_2010.pdf |
14 | 1/7/2011 | CAO R6V-2011-0005 | Water Board | 14_r6v_2011_0005.pdf |
15 | 1/31/2011 | Feasibility Study, addendum 1 | PG&E | 15_fs_a1.pdf |
16 | 3/3/2011 | Feasibility Study, addendum 2 | PG&E | 16_fs_a2.pdf |
17 | 9/15/2011 | Feasibility Study, addendum 3 | PG&E | 17_fs_a3.pdf |
18 | 9/29/201 | Investigative Order (IO) R6V-2011-0079, Quarterly Groundwater Monitoring Reports | Water Board | 18_r6v_2011_0079.pdf |
19 | 10/11/2011 | CAO R6V-2011-0005A1 | Water Board | 19_r6v_2011_0005a1.pdf |
20 | 3/14/2012 | CAO R6V-2008-0002A3 | Water Board | 20_r6v_2008_0002a3.pdf |
21 | 6/7/2012 | CAO R6V-2011-0005A2 | Water Board | 21_r6v_2011_0005a2.pdf |
22 | 1/8/2013 | CAO R6V-2008-0002A4 | Water Board | 22_r6v_2008_0002a4.pdf |
23 | 5/1/2013 | Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR), Comprehensive Groundwater Cleanup Strategy for Historical Discharges from PG&E's Hinkley Compressor Station, San Bernardino County | ICF International for Water Board | 23_ available at |
24 | 6/26/2013 | IO R6V-2013-0051, Conditional Acceptance of Plan to Remove Inactive Domestic Wells from Sampling Program | Water Board | 24_r6v_2013_0051.pdf |
25 | 7/17/2013 | Resolution R6V-2013-0060, Certifying Final EIR | Water Board | 25_r6v_2013_0060.pdf |
26 | 8/2/2013 | Request for Action Plan and More Information in Reports | Water Board | 26_PT_8_2_13.pdf |
27 | 10/4/2013 | PG&E's Request To Clarify Use of Historical Data in Drawing Chromium Plume Boundary | Water Board | 27_EO_10_4_13.pdf |
28 | 10/30/2013 | IO R6V-2013-0087, Acceptance of Action Plan with Additional Conditions and IO Requiring Technical Reports | Water Board | 28_r6v_2013_0087.pdf |
29 | 12/12/2013 | Review of Chromium Plume Maps, Third Quarter 2013 Monitoring Report | Water Board | 29_EO_12_12_13.pdf |
30 | 2/18/2014 | CAO R6V-2011-0005A3 | Water Board | 30_r6v_2011_0005a3.pdf |
31 | 3/12/2014 | Board Order No. R6V-2014-0023, WDRs for Agricultural Treatment Units | Water Board | 31_r6v_2014_0023.pdf, and available online at |
32 | 4/24/2014 | Status Report for the Northern Areas | PG&E | 32_status_north_areas.pdf |
33 | 6/30/2014 | Remedial Assessment Timeframe | PG&E | 33_remedial_timeframe.pdf |
34 | 8/1/2014 | Notice of Applicability, R6V-2014-0023 | Water Board | 34_noa_8_1_14.pdf |
35 | 10/3/2014 | Work Plan to Conduct Hydraulic Testing and Capture Analysis, Winter 2014-2105 | PG&E | 35_hydraulic_testing_plan.pdf |
36 | 10/22/2014 | Email, Re: Proposed Northern Monitoring Wells | PG&E | 36_email_oct_22_northMWs.pdf |
37 | 10/30/2014 | Third Quarter 2014 Groundwater Monitoring Report and Domestic Wells Sampling Results | PG&E | 37_3q_2014_gmp.pdf |
38 | 11/7/2014 | Plan for Enhancement of Lower Aquifer Remedy (Installation of EX-37) | PG&E | 38_la_plan_11_7_2014.pdf |
39 | 12/5/2014 | Notice of Applicability, R6V-2008-0014, Bioreactor Pilot Test | Water Board | 39_noa_12_5_14.pdf |
40 | 12/18/2014 | Email, NOTIFICATION: Increased Chromium Detections North or Northwest of MW-193S3 | PG&E | 40_email_dec_19_mw193s3.pdf |
41 | 12/19/2014 | Acceptance of Plan for Hydraulic Testing Activities and Temporary Amendments to Monitoring and Reporting Program in CAO R6V-2008-0002A3, PG&E Hinkley Compressor Station, WDID 6B369107001 | Water Board | 41_eo_12_19_14.pdf |
42 | 12/19/2014 | Draft Groundwater Monitoring and Reporting Program, PG&E Hinkley Compressor Station | PG&E | 42_Available at |
43 | 12/22/2014 | Conditional Acceptance of Plan to Improve Lower Aquifer Chromium Remediation | Water Board | 43_la_plan_acceptance.pdf |
44 | 5/21/2015 | Prosecution Team Response to Advisory Team Request for Information, including Attachment A, References. | Water Board Prosecution Team |
44_pt_response |
Plume Maps referenced in Exhibit 44: | ||||
45 | 01/30/2012 | Fourth Quarter 2011 | PG&E | 45_4q2011.pdf |
46 | 04/30/2012 | First Quarter 2012 | PG&E | 46_1q2012.pdf |
47 | 07/30/2012 | Second Quarter 2012 | PG&E | 47_2q2012.pdf |
48 | 10/30/2012 | Third Quarter 2012 | PG&E | 48_3q2012.pdf |
49 | 01/30/2013 | Fourth Quarter 2012 | PG&E | 49_4q2012.pdf |
50 | 04/30/2013 | First Quarter 2013 | PG&E | 50_1q2013.pdf |
51 | 07/30/2013 | Second Quarter 2013 | PG&E | 51_2q2013.pdf |
52 | 10/30/2013 | Third Quarter 2013 | PG&E | 52_3q2013.pdf |
53 | 10/30/2014 | Third Quarter 2014 | PG&E | 53_3q2014.pdf |
54 | August 2010 | August 2010 Chromium Plume map | PG&E | 54_aug2010.pdf |
55 | 8/24/2011 | CAO R6V-2011-0058, Requiring Harmsen Dairy to Cleanup and Abate the Effects of Discharging Nitrate Contaminants to Groundwaters of the Mojave River Hydrologic Unit | Water Board | 55_r6v_2011_58.pdf |
56 | 8/24/2011 | CAO R6V-2011-0059, Requiring Hinkley Dairy to Cleanup and Abate the Effects of Discharging Nitrate Contaminants to Groundwaters of the Mojave River Hydrologic Unit | Water Board | 56_r6v_2011_59.pdf |
57 | 09/24/1990 (excerpt undated) | George AFB Federal Facility Agreement, section 12, Dispute Resolution | USEPA Region 9, et al | 57_gafb_dispute.pdf |
58 | Undated excerpt | Memorandum of Understanding between the State Water Resources Control Board, Designated Regional Water Quality Control Boards, and the California Department of Forestry and Fire Protection, section V, Coordination and Conflict Resolution Process | CALFIRE, State Water Board, et al | 58_calfire_dispute.pdf |
Questions or Comments about the Hinkley Project?
- Please send an email to or phone (760) 241-7373.