Final Environmental Impact Report for Comprehensive Groundwater Cleanup Strategy Available
The Lahontan Water Board is the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) lead agency for the investigation and cleanup of chromium-contaminated groundwater at the PG&E Hinkley Compressor Station. A Final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was prepared by the Water Board and its consultant in connection with this project.
The Lahontan Water Board certified the Final EIR at its July 17, 2013 public meeting in Barstow. The resolution certifying the Final EIR is available here.
Presentations and Information from July 17, 2013 Water Board meeting relating to the Final EIR:
The Final EIR can be downloaded from this Webpage (see links below).
If you have any questions about the EIR or the environmental review process, or if you wish to discuss technical details of the groundwater cleanup project, please contact Amanda Lopez, Engineering Geologist, at 760-241-7373 or
For media inquiries, please contact Jan Zimmerman, South Lahontan Basin Division Manager, at 760-241-7376 or
PG&E's Petition to the State Water Board regarding definition of affected wells in EIR (dated August 16, 2013)
Final EIR Volume 1: Comments on Draft EIR and Responses
Volume 2: Revised Draft EIR
- Cover page, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Chapter 1 Introduction
- Chapter 2: Project Description
- Chapter 3: Existing Conditions and Impacts
- 3.1: Water Resources and Water Quality
- 3.2 through 3.4: Land Use, Agriculture, Population and Housing, Hazards and Hazardous Materials, Geology and Soils
- 3.5 through 3.7: Air Quality and Climate Change, Noise, Biological Resources
- 3.8 through 3.12: Cultural Resources, Utilities and Public Services, Transportation and Traffic, Aesthetics, Socioeconomics
- Chapter 4: Other CEQA Analysis
- Chapter 5: References and Chapter 6: List of Preparers
- Appendices
If you would like a CD of the Final EIR, please contact the Lahontan Water Board's Victorville office at 760-241-6583.
- Hinkley Senior Center, 35997 Mountain View Rd, Hinkley, CA
- PG&E Hinkley Community Building, 22999 Community Blvd, Hinkley, CA
- San Bernardino County Barstow Branch Library, 304 East Buena Vista St, Barstow, CA
- Water Board Offices (15095 Amargosa Road, Bldg 2, Suite 210, Victorville, CA; 2501 Lake Tahoe Blvd, South Lake Tahoe, CA)
Presentations and handouts from public meetings on Draft EIR
- Handouts and staff presentation from the October 16, 2012 Draft EIR meeting in Hinkley available here:
- Handouts and staff presentation from the August 29, 2012 Draft EIR meeting in Hinkley available here: