Wastewater Operator Certification Program

Filing a Complaint

Any person, organization, or government agency may file an allegation with the SWRCB, Division of Financial Assistance (DFA) concerning compliance of:

  • Any individual California certified wastewater treatment plant operator; or
  • Any wastewater treatment plant Contract Operator operating in California; or
  • Any person or entity who owns or operates or allows the operation of a wastewater treatment plant as defined in the California Code of Regulations.

A complainant need not have been harmed or involved in the alleged compliance violation. However, DFA requires that there be substantiating evidence before proceeding with the investigation of any allegation. Information revealed by any complainant to the DFA should be as detailed and specific as possible.

The DFA understands the sensitive issue concerning an operator filing a complaint against another operator or possibly their employer. The complainant is not required to reveal his or her identity. Those complainants wishing to keep identities confidential will be accommodated to the limits of the law. A confidential complainant will be kept informed on the progress of an investigation and may be requested to testify in front of the State Water Resources Control Board. Anonymous complainants* will not need protection, as the investigator will not know the complainant's identity. An anonymous complainant will not be given any informational updates concerning the investigation.

Please complete the Operator Certification Complaint Form (Office of Enforcement -OE) and either scan and email the completed form to: siu@waterboards.ca.gov or to the WWOCP.

Wastewater Operator Certification complainants can call (916) 341-5648 and speak with staff or email them the completed form at wwopcertprogram@waterboards.ca.gov or fax it to (916) 341-5734.

 *Complainants wishing to keep identities confidential will be accommodated within the limits of the law. In order to follow up on your complaint, the State Water Board may need to share the information you give us with other regulators or government agencies. This may include sharing any personal information you include in your complaint. The information you provide may also be disclosed in the following circumstances:

  1. In response to a Public Records Act request, as allowed by the California Public Records Act;
  2. To another government agency as required by state or federal law;
  3. In response to a court or administrative order, a subpoena, or a search warrant; or
  4. In a final enforcement action, if we need your information to substantiate a violation.