California Water Boards' Annual Performance Report - Fiscal Year 2023-24
Key Functional Categories
What We Do and How We are Doing
The Water Boards enforce the pollution control and cleanup requirements that are established for discharges and contaminated sites. Where violations of regulatory requirements are detected, enforcement actions of varying types and levels of stringency are taken. For the most serious violations, penalties are often imposed. The Water Boards also collaborate with federal, State, and local law enforcement, as well as other environmental agencies, to address violations. In all cases, the principal goal of enforcement is to encourage compliance with requirements so that water quality is protected. more...
More information on the FY 2022-23 target results and FY 2023-24 targets.
Fiscal Year 2023/24
Statewide Overview of
Enforcement Actions and Penalties
Informal Enforcement Actions: 2,509
Compliance and Penalty Enforcement actions: 1,613
Penalties Assessed: Approximately $19.5 million
Enforcement Actions |
Penalties Assessed |
NPDES Wastewater: | 264 | $4,451,616 |
NPDES Stormwater: | 3,228 | $5,782,320 |
Waste Discharge to Land: | 124 | $50,000 |
Land Disposal: | 63 | $0 |
All Other Programs: | 443 | $9,240,522 |
Data Reported
- Enforcement Actions: Summaries
- Enforcement Response: Trends
- Violations (NPDES Wastewater and NPDES Stormwater): Trends | Per Facility
NPDES Mandatory Minimum Penalties (MMPs)
Penalties Summary
Take Enforcement Actions to Achieve Compliance - How do we Address Violations?
When assessing compliance with waste discharge and other requirements, the Water Boards document and track violations of the requirements in the California Integrated Water Quality System (CIWQS) database. Where violations occur, the Water Boards are responsible for taking swift and fair enforcement actions. The Water Boards' approach to enforcement for water quality protection is outlined in the State Water Board' Water Quality Enforcement Policy. This policy describes the framework for identifying and investigating instances of noncompliance, for taking enforcement actions that are appropriate in relation to the nature and severity of the violation, and for prioritizing enforcement resources to achieve maximum environmental benefit.