ELAP Announcements
Recent Announcements
- ELTAC Meeting (1/11/21)
The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) will host a meeting of its technical advisory committee on January 21, 2021. For more information on the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) and contact information for your representative, click on the "ELTAC" tab from ELAP's homepage. -
Updates to FOT Forms 108 & 109 for Non-Potable Water Analysis (12/4/20)
In response to a request from the Central Coast Water Board, ELAP has updated its accreditation offerings for non-potable water analysis. ELAP has added the following offerings in FOT 108 and 109.
FOT 108: Inorganic Constituents in Non-Potable Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
ASTM D1385-78
FOT 109: Metals and Trace Elements in Non-Potable Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
SM 3120 B-2011
To view the changes to the FOT Forms, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage. Laboratories are encouraged to stay informed by regularly visiting the ELAP webpage for the latest announcements and FOT updates and to ensure that the current version of the FOT forms are used when submitting an application.
- ELAP Regulations Filed with Secretary of State (12/3/2020)
The State Water Board’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) Regulations were filed with the California Secretary of State by the Office of Administrative Law on November 19, 2020 for an effective date of January 1, 2021. This completes the final step in the rulemaking process.
ELAP is committed to supporting the California laboratory community and helping laboratories succeed in transitioning to the new requirements. A compliance assistance initiative, the Roadmap to Accreditation, is underway with the goal of providing necessary tools, training, and time the community needs. Some highlights of this campaign include:
- One-on-one transition appointments with ELAP staff to help chart a path to compliance for your laboratory
- An intensive TNI documentation workshop to begin in 2021, with quality system policy and procedure templates for laboratories to use in developing their own documentation
- An annual ELAP conference with dedicated compliance assistance sessions
- A website with webinars, written information, and illustrative documents
If you have questions about this message, please email ELAP at elapca@waterboards.ca.gov.
- Updates to FOT Forms 102 & 103 for Drinking Water Analysis (10/30/20)
On October 8, 2020, ELAP modified its accreditation offerings pursuant to a request from the State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Drinking Water (DDW). Regulatory agencies such as DDW utilize ELAP accredited laboratory data for environmental and public health decisions and determine the analytical test methods ELAP offers for accreditation based on their data quality objectives. After further evaluation, DDW has reversed their decision to remove the accreditation offerings for Fluoride and Asbestos analysis. In response, ELAP has reinstated the following accreditation offerings:
FOT 102: Inorganic Chemistry of Drinking Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
SM 4500F C-1997
FOT 103: Toxic Chemical Elements of Drinking Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
EPA 100.2
To view the changes to the FOT Forms, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage. Laboratories are encouraged to stay informed by regularly visiting the ELAP webpage for the latest announcements and FOT updates and to ensure that the current version of the FOT forms are used when submitting an application.
- Updates to FOT Forms 107 & 126 for Clarification (10/28/20)
ELAP has updated its accreditation offerings for microbiology analysis in wastewater and ambient water analysis.
FOT 107: Microbiological Methods for Non-Potable Water and Sewage Sludge Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
E. coli, Enumeration
SM 9223 B-2004
Removed subgroup; duplicative
E. coli, Enumeration
SM 9223 B-2004 Colilert
Added method to substrate name
E. coli, Enumeration
SM 9223 B-2004
Colilert 18Added method to substrate name
Fecal Coliform, Enumeration
SM 9223 B-2004
Colilert 18Added method to substrate name
ASTM D6503-99
Removed subgroup; duplicative with 107.017 001
FOT 126: Microbiological Methods for Ambient Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
E. coli (Enumeration)
SM 9223 B-2004
Removed subgroup; duplicative
E. coli (Enumeration)
SM 9223 B-2004 Colilert
Added method to substrate name
E. coli (Enumeration)
SM 9223 B-2004 Colilert 18
Added method to substrate name
Laboratories who are currently accredited for these subgroups can maintain accreditation through their current accreditation cycle, but will not be able to renew their accreditation for the removed subgroups upon certificate expiration. To view the changes to the FOT Forms, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage.
- New members appointed to the 2021-2022 Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) (10/9/20)
ELAP is excited to announce that new representatives have been appointed to the 2021-2022 Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC). ELTAC provides technical and scientific advice to ELAP and our state regulatory agency partners to advance the mission of protecting public health and the environment in California. Read the announcement below or visit the ELTAC Webpage for details.
- Updates to FOT Forms 102 and 103 for Drinking Water Analysis (10/8/20)
In response to a request from the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water, ELAP has updated its accreditation offerings for drinking water analysis. ELAP has removed the following offerings in FOT 102 and 103.
FOT 102: Inorganic Chemistry of Drinking Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
SM 4500F C-1997
FOT 103: Toxic Chemical Elements of Drinking Water Subgroup Code
Analyte Code
Analytical Method
SM 3111 D
SM 3111 D
SM 3114 B
EPA 200.7
EPA 100.2
Laboratories who are currently accredited for these subgroups can maintain accreditation through their current accreditation cycle, but will not be able to renew their accreditation for these subgroups upon certificate expiration. To view the changes to the FOT Forms, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage.
- Response to public comments available for the TPA MOU; Board to hear item at its Sept. 15th meeting (9/14/20)
ELAP thanks stakeholders for submitting public comments on the Draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for Third-Party Laboratory Assessors (TPA). The State Water Board will consider adoption of a resolution to approve the MOU and delegate authority for its administration at its September 15th meeting (agenda below).
- Effective Date for the new ELAP Regulations changed to January 1, 2021 (9/1/20)
Due to delays caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and because the Office of Administrative law approval of new regulations go into effect every quarter, the new anticipated effective date for the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program new regulations is January 1, 2021. ELAP originally projected the regulations would take effect on October 1, 2020. However, this three-month extension of the effective date will allow laboratories more time to implement changes needed to comply with new requirements. There is no substantive change to the text associated with this date change.
- Third-Party Assessor (TPA) Memorandum of Understanding available for public comment (8/14/20)
A draft Memorandum of Understanding (MOU ) overseeing the activities of Third-Party Assessors for California ELAP is now available for public comment. Please submit written comments to elapca_comments@waterboards.ca.gov by Friday, September 4, 2020 at 5:00pm. Please indicate in the subject line “Comments - Third-Party Assessor MOU.” - Updates to FOT Forms 111 & 117 for PFAS Analysis (7/17/20)
Updates to FOT Forms 111 & 117 in response to State Water Resources Control Board DWQ PFAS in Non-Drinking Water (7/17/20)
In response to a request from the State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Quality, ELAP has updated its accreditation offerings for analytes specific to monitoring requirements for publicly owned treatment works. ELAP has shifted 8 compounds from the preferred list to the required list for PFAS by DOD QSM Version 5.1 (or newer) and added 4 new compounds to the preferred list in FOT 111. ELAP has also removed the group offering for PFAS in FOT 117 and separated the offerings into individual compounds. To view the changes to the FOT Forms or to apply for accreditation, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage. - New Accreditation Offerings for PFAS Coming Soon (7/10/20)
In response to a recent order by the State Water Board and Regional Water Quality Control Boards, ELAP is updating Field of Testing Forms 111 and 117 to include additional offerings for Per- and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Non-Drinking Water Analysis. ELAP will notify its email subscription list when the updates are available to laboratories.
Be sure to visit the Roadmap to ELAP Accreditation webpage, where all guidance materials have been updated to reflect the new date.
Past Announcements
Top 5 Questions People are Asking about the New California ELAP Regulations (5/15/20)
- Check out a graphic version of these questions here.
On May 5, 2020, the California State Water Resources Control Board adopted comprehensive regulations for the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) to modernize the program and elevate data quality for California communities. Help is on the way! A Roadmap to ELAP Accreditation will include a series of tools and guidance to help laboratories successfully navigate the path to compliance.
- When will the new regulations take effect?
The regulations become effective on January 1, 2021. However, several new provisions will not be required immediately. Read on for more info. - Do I have to comply with the TNI Standard on January 1, 2021?
No. TNI is not required until January 1, 2024. During the 3-year transition period, labs will continue being held to the quality assurance requirements in the current (outgoing) regulations. - My laboratory has sophisticated instrumentation and will need to have its on-site assessment performed by a third-party assessment (TPA) firm. What should I do?
Attend ELAP’s Virtual Third-Party Assessor Workshop to get all your questions answered. We know many labs are experiencing anxiety around the unknowns related to this process, so ELAP is waiving this application requirement for labs expiring in 2020 and 2021. - What are the requirements for my application?
It depends on when your certificate is set to expire. Check out our nifty graphic, Roadmap to ELAP Accreditation: Application Requirements, to see which path your laboratory is on. - Does ELAP have a plan to help?
Yes! ELAP is in this with you! We’ll be setting up virtual events in coordination with your lab community leaders and colleagues who want to help you during the transition. We’re here to make sure every laboratory has a path to compliance.
Western Analytical Laboratory of Chino, CA denied accreditation and fined $90,000 by the State Water Resources Control Board for false representations in reports (4/20/20)
- Read the Press Release.
- Read Order DW-2020-001 for background and details.
The State Water Resources Board will consider a Resolution to adopt the proposed Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program regulations at the May 5, 2020 Board Meeting.
As a result of the COVID-19 emergency and the Governor’s Executive Orders to protect public health by limiting public gatherings and requiring social distancing, this meeting will occur via video and teleconference only. Instructions for public participation will be included on the meeting agenda and posted to https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/board_info/calendar/ ten days prior to the meeting date.
State Board meeting to consider adoption of proposed regulations cancelled (3/16/20)
The State Water Resources Control Board meeting scheduled for March 17, 2020 is canceled. All items including the proposed Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program regulations will be moved to a future board meeting.
The State Water Board previously indicated its intent to provide opportunities for remote participation in light of the ongoing COVID-19 emergency. Unfortunately, the solutions identified and available on an immediate basis would not have provided a satisfactory experience for members of the public participating in the meeting. As a result, the items will be rescheduled to a future meeting.
State Board to consider adoption of proposed regulations on March 17th (3/09/20)
The State Water Resources Board will consider a Resolution to adopt the proposed ELAP regulations package at its March 17th meeting. The draft Resolution and Response to Comments have been posted to the meeting agenda and are now available for viewing.
The Board meeting is open to the public and will be available via webcast to those who cannot attend in person.
Updates to FOT Forms 110 & 111 in response to San Francisco Bay RWQCB (2/21/20)
In response to a request from the San Francisco Bay Regional Water Quality Control Board, ELAP is now offering accreditation for analytes specific to monitoring requirements for centralized waste treatment facilities prescribed in 40 CFR, part 437. In response to the request, ELAP has added pretreatment parameters to EPA Methods 624.1 and 1624 B in FOT 110 and EPA Methods 625.1 and 1625 B in FOT 111. To view the changes to the FOT Forms or to apply for accreditation, visit ELAP's Application and FOT Forms webpage.
View ELAP’s Proposed Revised Regulations text (2/13/20)
Information on how to submit comments on the Proposed Revised Regulations text is located on ELAP’s Regulations Home Page (2/13/20)
Any person, or his or her representative, may submit written comments on the new changes to the proposed regulations. For this comment period, only comments that pertain to the new changes to the proposed regulations will be considered and included in the rulemaking record. Pursuant to Government Code section 11346.8(c), the written comment period closes in 15 days, at 5:00 p.m. on February 28, 2020. The State Board will only consider comments received at the State Board offices by that time.
Notice of Public Release of Laboratory Records (12/16/19)
ELAP has received a request under the Public Records Act to release all files related to accreditation decisions made by the program from January 1, 2016 through September 5, 2019. Under this request, all records in ELAP’s possession during that time period related to any laboratory that was accredited or sought accreditation will be released to the requestor. This includes, but is not limited to:
- Certificates of Accreditation and Fields of Testing Lists
- On-site Assessment Reports and Corrective Action Responses
- Proficiency Testing results
- Quality Assurance Manuals
- Application documents
- Correspondence and communications
- Enforcement actions
- Any and all documents collected during the accreditation process (such aslaboratory Standard Operating Procedures, data packages, training records,equipment records, personnel information, etc.)
How to Request a Trade Secret Exemption
A laboratory can identify information provided to ELAP as a trade secret and request those documents not be publicly released. (See 22 CCR Section 64825 ). A trade secret is defined in the California Civil Code Section 3426.1 as information, including a formula, pattern, compilation, program, device, method, technique, or process, that:
- Derives independent economic value, actual or potential, from not being generally known to the public or to other persons who can obtain economic value from its disclosure or use; and
- Is the subject of efforts that are reasonable under the circumstances to maintain its secrecy.
If you wish to request exemption from release of any of your laboratory’s records under the Trade Secret provision in current regulation, contact ELAP at elapca@waterboards.ca.gov with the subject line “Requesting Trade Secret Exemption –Certificate #xxxx". Be sure to include your certificate number so that an ELAP staff member can assist you.
You must contact ELAP prior to December 31, 2019 to request exemption.
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Fees Stakeholder Meeting (11/6/19)
The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Administrative Services, Fees Branch will host an Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Fees Stakeholder meeting. A preview of the material to be covered is posted on the State Water Resources Control Board Fees Stakeholder webpage.
View the Complete Rulemaking Documentation Files (10/14/19)
Information on how to submit comments for the ELAP Draft Regulations is located on ELAP’s Regulations Home Page. (10/11/19)
ELAP Fee Increase Now Effective (08/29/19)
The Office of Administrative Law has approved the emergency regulation adjusting ELAP fees. This regulation is effective immediately and payments received after August 29, 2019 must be made according to the new fee schedule.
Old Fee | New Fee (effective 8/29/19) |
Base Fee | $1890.00 | $2268.00 |
Per Field of Testing Fee | $851.00 | $1021.00 |
Visit ELAP’s Fees webpage to see the updated fee schedule and for information on how to submit payments online or by mail.
Accepting ELTAC Applications through August 30, 2019. Visit the ELTAC Members webpage for more information
Fee Branch issues notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking to amend program fees (7/18/19)
ELAP has updated FOT Forms to comply with the Clean Water Act, Methods Update Rule (MUR) – 2017 (5/31/19) Announcement
ELAP has updated accreditation offerings in the Field of Testing (FOT) forms to comply with the 2017 MUR. Changes to the FOT forms include updates of methods to newer revisions, addition of new method offerings, and removal of methods no longer approved in 40 CFR 136. For more information on the 2017 MUR and the changes implemented by ELAP, please visit the Method Update Rule webpage.
Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Fees Stakeholder Meeting (5/20/19)
The State Water Resources Control Board, Division of Administrative Services, Fees Branch will host an Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Fees Stakeholder meeting. A preview of the material to be covered will be posted to the State Water Resources Control Board Fees Stakeholder webpage approximately 10 days prior to the meeting.
ELTAC Meeting (04/11/19)
The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) will host a meeting of its technical advisory committee on April 17, 2019. For more information on the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) and contact information for your representative, click on the "ELTAC" tab from ELAP's homepage.
Updates to FOT Forms for PFAs now available (04/02/2019)
ELAP Accreditation to Analyze Per-and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Drinking Water Matrix Announcement
The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Drinking Water recently issued Orders to water systems approving USEPA Method 537.1 to analyze PFAS in drinking water. Specifically, the Order requires laboratories to be accredited for USEPA Method 537.1 and to be able to analyze all 18 PFAS analytes listed in the method. Only laboratories that can demonstrate accuracy and precision for all 18 analytes will be considered for accreditation. Apply here.
ELAP Accreditation to Analyze Per-and Polyfluorinated Alkyl Substances in Non-Drinking Water Announcement
The State Water Resources Control Board recently issued Orders which require analysis of 23 PFAS analytes in non-drinking water matrices at specified locations. An additional 15 PFAS analytes listed in the Order are encouraged to be analyzed as part of the effort. All analytes must be analyzed in compliance with Department of Defense (DoD) Table B-15 of Quality Systems Manual (QSM) version 5.1 (or latest version). Only laboratories that can demonstrate accuracy and precision for all 23 analytes will be considered for accreditation. Apply here.
ELAP’s Third Preliminary Draft Regulations Workshop Presentation and Recording now available (01/30/2019)
ELAP held two workshops where a presentation was given on the Third Preliminary Draft Regulations text. The Sacramento Workshop was webcasted and recorded. The presentation and recording are now available on the Regulations Homepage.
ELTAC Subcommittee Meeting to Develop Laboratory Standards (01/18/2019)
The Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) has formed a Subcommittee to Develop Laboratory Standards. The Notice and Agenda is posted to ELTAC Topics page.
ELAP has extended the comment period for the Third Preliminary Draft Regulations (01/17/19)
In response to requests from Stakeholders and the laboratory community, ELAP has extended the comment submittal date for the Third Preliminary Draft Regulations to February 8, 2019 which includes additional time than what was requested (2 weeks). For comment submittal instructions, please view ELAP’s Regulation Homepage.
ELAP is holding workshops on the Third Preliminary Draft Regulations (12/20/18)
On December 18, 2018, the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) released the Third Preliminary Draft Regulations text. The public is welcome to present oral comments at two workshops where ELAP will give a presentation and hear comments. The Sacramento workshop will include a webcast option. Visit ELAP’s Regulation Homepage for times and locations of workshops.
ELAP’s Third Preliminary Draft Regulations text (12/19/18)
A third preliminary draft of the proposed regulations amendment text (Third Preliminary Draft Regulations text) has been released by ELAP. The third draft was developed in collaboration with stakeholders with suggested changes from ELTAC members and the laboratory community incorporated into the text. The draft text can be viewed from ELAP’s Regulations Home Page.
ELTAC Meeting (12/7/18)
The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) will host a meeting of its technical advisory committee on December 13, 2018 to discuss the Proposed Alternative Draft Regulations Text for Laboratory Accreditation. For more information on the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) and contact information for your representative, click on the "ELTAC" tab from ELAP's homepage.
ELTAC Re-Elects Stephen Clark as Chairperson for 2019 (11/28/18)
The Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) has re-elected Stephen Clark of Pacific EcoRisk to serve as committee Chairperson during the 2019 calendar year. The Chairperson helps ensure that ELTAC fulfills its mission:
ELTAC serves to facilitate transparency, as an inclusive conduit for the fair and balanced exchange of information and dialogue between the laboratory community, California regulatory agencies, data users, and ELAP. ELTAC works to provide support, critical stakeholder review, scientifically valid advice, and unbiased guidance to ELAP on technical issues and the foreseeable effects that ELAP regulatory decisions may have, to ensure public health and environmental protection. ELTAC partners with ELAP to create and maintain a high quality accreditation program to meet the needs of the laboratory community, California regulatory agencies, and data users.
Congratulations Stephen! For more information on ELTAC and contact information for your representative, click on the “ELTAC” tab from ELAP’s homepage.
CWEA Offers 2016 TNI Training in Southern California (11/6/18)
Two SoCal sections of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) are offering a six-part training series for both members and non-members on implementation of the 2016 TNI Standard. The CWEA events calendar lists all of the upcoming workshops in Chino, Fountain Valley and Ventura.
ELAP has updated Field of Testing (FOT) 105 (7/13/18)
ELAP has updated its Field of Testing 105, Semi-Volatile Organic Chemistry of Drinking Water, to include several analyses by EPA 537 Revision 1.1. Download the latest version from our application webpage. Laboratories must use the current version of the ELAP FOT forms at the time of application submittal. Applications including old or outdated FOT forms will not be accepted, and the laboratory assumes responsibility for any delay in accreditation caused by this error.
CWEA Offers 2016 TNI Training (5/9/18)
The Redwood Empire Section of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) is offering a six-part training series for both members and non-members on implementation of the 2016 TNI Standard. Instructions on how to sign up are listed on the event flyer below. If you have questions, please direct them to the contact listed on the notice.
ELAP Update – Be In The Know – March 2018 (3/15/18)
Revision to ELAP Fee Structure Timeline (2/18/18)
Based on feedback received from the laboratory community as well as internal discussions, State Water Board staff have decided to postpone the development of a new ELAP fee structure until the pending ELAP regulations for accreditation have been developed. Changes in accreditation regulations could have potential fee implications, so it is necessary to adjust the original timeline to ensure alignment of new fee structure regulations with the pending accreditation regulations. The current fee structure will remain in place until a new one is developed and adopted
State Water Board staff anticipate resuming discussions with the ELAP Stakeholder Fees Workgroup once the ELAP accreditation regulations are nearer to being finalized
New ELTAC Chairperson (12/14/17)
Committee members elected Stephen Clark of Pacific Ecorisk as the new Chairperson of the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) at their December 6th meeting. The Chairperson helps ensure that ELTAC fulfills its mission:
ELTAC serves to facilitate transparency, as an inclusive conduit for the fair and balanced exchange of information and dialogue between the laboratory community, California regulatory agencies, data users, and ELAP. ELTAC works to provide support, critical stakeholder review, scientifically valid advice, and unbiased guidance to ELAP on technical issues and the foreseeable effects that ELAP regulatory decisions may have, to ensure public health and environmental protection. ELTAC partners with ELAP to create and maintain a high quality accreditation program to meet the needs of the laboratory community, California regulatory agencies, and data users.
Stephen’s first meeting serving as Chairperson will be in March 2018 (date TBD). Congratulations, Stephen, and thank you for your willingness to serve your community.
Revisions to 2016 TNI Standard Chemistry Module Finalized (12/1/17)
After an open public comment period, TNI’s Chemistry Expert Committee has finalized revisions to Module 4: Quality Systems for Chemical Testing of the 2016 Standard. ELAP will update the version number of the 2016 TNI Standard in the preliminary draft regulations text to incorporate these revisions. More information on the Module 4 revisions is available on The NELAC Institute’s website:
- Summary of changes
- Final Standard and Response to Comments
Information on ELAP’s preliminary draft regulations is available on ELAP’s Regulations Webpage.
CWEA Offers 2016 TNI Standard Training Opportunity (11/17/17)
The Santa Clara Valley and Sacramento Sections of the California Water Environment Association (CWEA) are offering a six part training series for both members and non-members on implementation of the 2016 TNI Standard. Announcements for both events are below. Please direct questions to the contact listed on the notice. Space is limited.
- Santa Clara Valley Section - Session 2 - Training Announcement (Added 11/17/17)
- Santa Clara Valley Section Training Announcement
- Sacramento Section Training Announcement
ELAP’s Assembly Bill 1438 Signed (10/25/17)
Governor Brown signed Assembly Bill 1438 into law on September 28, 2017, which makes several amendments to the California Health and Safety Code sections that govern the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program. The changes include:
- Outdated references to the California Department of Public Health were changed to the State Water Resources Control Board
- Existing outdated references to NELAP and NELAC were updated to TNI
- The appeals process was aligned with the process used by all other State Water Board programs
- The process for suspending or revoking accreditation was modified to provide for a hearing before the State Water Resources Control Board
The changes made by AB 1438 are considered “clean-up” actions and do not change or add any accreditation requirements. No action is required on behalf of accredited laboratories. The law goes into effect on January 1, 2018.
TNI Training Assessment Begin Soon (10/17/17)
Training assessments of drinking water laboratories will begin in early November. The assessments are scheduled based on geographic location, which means that your laboratory’s assessment may not coincide with your renewal application. This will not affect your renewal application process. Please continue to submit at least 90 days prior to the expiration of your current certificate (interim certificates excluded).
What to expect if you are a drinking water laboratory:
- You will receive a letter from your assigned NV5/Dade Moeller assessor via email about a month prior to confirm dates for the assessment. The letter will provide details about the assessment process and request information from you to help them prepare.
- During the on-site assessment, your laboratory will be assessed to method-specific criterion and current California regulations to satisfy the requirements of your current accreditation. Findings will be discussed at a closing conference and listed in your official assessment report.
- A gap analysis to the 2016 TNI Standard will also be performed during the assessment. The results will be sent as an addendum to the assessment report and can be used as a “road map” to assist in implementation. This is an informational training tool for the laboratory and will not be enforced.
- Both the official assessment report and the gap analysis will be sent to your laboratory electronically within 30 days.
This is a learning opportunity for laboratory staff as well as ELAP assessors. We are excited to be able to provide this opportunity and hope everyone will take full
advantage of having a TNI expert in your laboratory to ask questions and get feedback.
REVISED NOTICE - California Water Systems To Provide Lead Testing For School (4/20/17)
- Fourth Revision, 10/12/17
- Third Revision, 4/20/17
- Second Revision, 1/27/17
- First Revision, 1/19/17
- List of approved laboratories as of 4/20/17
REVISED Clarification on Procedures in Standard Method 9221E and Standard Method 9221F (10/10/17)
2017 Methods Update Rule (MUR) Information (9/27/17)
The 2017 Methods Update Rule (MUR) was published in the Federal Register on August 27, 2017. This regulation is effective today, September 27, 2017. ELAP is working with its State Agency Partners and building capacity to accredit for the new and updated methods. We will notify the community once the Field of Testing lists are updated and the MUR methods are available for accreditation. At that time, ELAP will begin accepting amendment applications for the MUR methods. Alternatively, a laboratory may choose to wait until their next renewal application to request accreditation. Please note: Acceptance of MUR methods for compliance monitoring is determined by the regulatory program that accepts the data, not ELAP.
Please also be advised that the MUR includes amendments to the procedure for determination of method detection limit (MDL), which laboratories should comply with immediately.
US EPA has additional information available here on their website.
TNI Membership (07/31/17)
California laboratories receive a free 6-month membership to TNI, including member rates on documents and trainings. This membership can be requested until the time the Regulations package is adopted by the State Water Board. Email TNI's Executive Administrator, Suzanne Rachmaninoff, at suzanne.rachmaninoff@nelac-institute.org to request membership.
ELAP Update – Be In The Know! (06/30/17)
Announcement Regarding Revocation of Bolsa Analytical ELAP Acceditation (6/7/17)
Division of Drinking Water Informational Webinar on New Lab-To-State Portal for submitting Lead and Copper Rule analyses – June 20th, 10am
May 3, 2017 Workshop Documents Available
View presentations and comments from stakeholders throughout California, on the Assessment of Progress and Final Recommendations by the Expert Review Panel for the State of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program.
Notice Of Opportunity For Public Comment And Notice Of Public Workshop – May 3, 2017 (4/19/17)
Read the Notice of Opportunity for Public Comment and Notice of Public Workshop for ELAP's May 3rd State Water Board Public Workshop on the Year 2 Final Report by the Expert Review Panel for the State of California's Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP), attached above.
Final ELAP Expert Review Panel Report Released (4/3/17)
The ELAP Expert Review Panel Year 2 Final Report was released on Friday, March 31st. You can access it by visiting the Panel webpage at www.sccwrp.org/elap.
The State Water Board will hold a Public Workshop on May 3rd from 9am-Noon in Sacramento where the Panel chairperson will present the report to the community and attending Board members. ELAP Chief, Christine Sotelo, will also make a presentation identifying ELAP's approach in responding to the report. In preparation, we are holding two listening sessions to get community input in the development of our approach. Event information for the listening sessions is listed below.
ELAP Requests ELTAC Nominations (4/3/17)
The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) is soliciting nominations for the Hazardous Waste specialty laboratory seat on the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC). Please see the attached letter from ELAP Chief Christine Sotelo for details.
ELAP will hold Expert Review Panel Report Listening Sessions (3/28/17)
ELAP will hold two listening sessions for the laboratory community to provide feedback to program staff on the Year 2 Expert Review Panel Report. We ask that comments focus on the below questions to assist ELAP with responding to the recommendations.
- We agree with the Panel that we need to clearly define an implementation path and timeline for laboratories to adopt the TNI Standard. What plan or strategy would work best for your laboratory?
- What tools do you need to be successful?
- We agree that ELAP should accept third-party assessments to reduce our backlog. How would you like to see this done?
Northern California
Wednesday, April 5th, 2017, 10am-Noon
California Environmental Protection Agency Building
1001 I Street, Sierra Hearing Room
Sacramento, CA 95814
And Webcast
Southern California
Thursday, April 6th, 2017, 10am-Noon
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
3535 Harbor Blvd., Suite 110
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
ELAP will also take comments on other topics at the end of each session. If you are unable to attend, you may send responses to elapca_comments@waterboards.ca.gov with the subject line “Expert Review Panel Comments”
Fee Adjustment Effective March 10, 2017
The State Water Board adopted a resolution to amend the ELAP fee schedule in Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Section 64806 at its September 20, 2016 meeting. The resulting fee adjustment became effective Friday, March 10, 2017, and is applicable to all payments received after that date. Below is the official notice filed with the California Secretary of State and a copy of the updated fee schedule.
Questions can be directed to the Fee Branch at:
Fee Branch
State Water Resources Control Board
Tel: (916) 341-5082
FAX: (916) 341-5248
Fee Branch issues notice of Proposed Emergency Rulemaking to amend ELAP Fees (2/2/17)
REVISED NOTICE - California Water Systems To Provide Lead Testing For School (1/27/17)
- Announcement - California Water Systems to Provide Lead Testing For Schools, Second Revision, 1/27/17
- Announcement - California Water Systems to Provide Lead Testing For Schools, First Revision, 1/19/17
- List of laboratories certified to analyze Lead by EPA 200.8, EPA 200.9, and or SM 3113B as of 12/29/16
ELAP Requests Comments on Proposed Changes to Structure of Fields of Testing Worksheets (1/10/17)
ELAP is requesting comments regarding proposed changes to the structure of ELAP's Field of Testing (FOT) worksheets.
The Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) is recommending a structural change whereby ELAP's FOT worksheets are arranged by analyte (as opposed to the current version where FOT's are arranged by method). View the draft FOT 101: Microbiology of Drinking Water for an example. ELAP is requesting general feedback on the proposed structure, as well as comments on overall ease of use and practicality.
Please submit comments to ELAPCA_Comments@waterboards.ca.gov and indicate "Proposed Changes to FOT Worksheet Structure" in the subject line.Announcement Regarding Revocation of Alpha Scientific Corporation ELAP Accreditation
Announcement Regarding Revocation of Alpha Scientific Corporation ELAP Accreditation (12/2/16)
3rd Review Panel Webinar - October 31st
On October 31st from 10am-Noon the Southern Coastal California Water Research Project (SCCWRP) will host ELAP's 3rd Quarterly Expert Review Panel Webinar to keep the Expert Review Panel and the community up to date about the program's progress.
Register ahead of time here to attend. You must register to access the webcast and phone line. The meeting also will be recorded and posted to the SCCWRP's Expert Review Panel webpage for viewing later.
ELAP Accepting Comments on Laboratory Standard Modifications
In order to facilitate direct stakeholder involvement in the process of considering modifications of the TNI Standard, we have created a new email inbox, elapca_comments@waterboards.ca.gov, for stakeholders to submit proposals directly to ELAP. Please indicate in the subject line of the email “Proposal for Modification of the TNI Standard”. There is no deadline for submittal of these comments, but please consider that ELAP is currently working with ELTAC to identify modifications with a goal of finalization in January, and that comments will be most effective if received before December. ELAP will consider all comments received in its deliberations, whether it be through the formal public comment period or the new comment email inbox.
Comment Period Extension; TNI Standard Availability
In response to community requests, the State Water Board has extended the comment period for the October 6th public workshop regarding ELAP’s regulations development and preliminary recommendation for a laboratory accreditation standard to Thursday, October 20, 2016, by 12:00 noon. The Board may also grant an additional comment period following the workshop. Please submit comments in accordance with the instructions on the notice available on the State Water Board website at: https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/drinking_water/certlic/labs/documents/100616_rev_notice_elap%20wrkshp_comment.pdf
The NELAC Institute (TNI) Standard, Volume 1, Management and Technical Requirements for Laboratories Performing Environmental Analysis (2016) is a copyrighted document, and is being made available by TNI for evaluation during this comment period in the following ways:
- A non-downloadable version will be available for viewing online by Monday, September 26, 2016, at http://www.nelac-institute.org/
- A printed copy will be available for viewing beginning Wednesday, September 21, 2016, at all Regional Water Quality Control Board Offices and Division of Drinking Water District Offices during normal business hours. Contact the office to schedule an appointment.
- A discounted version of the document is available for purchase by choosing one of the following two options:
Option 1: Purchase the document at a discounted member rate of $75. Request this by phone at (817) 598-1624 or by email to jerry.parr@nelac-institute.org and receive a free three month membership to TNI, which will allow purchase of the document at the discounted member rate from the organization’s website.
Option 2: Receive a free evaluation copy. Request this by phone at (817) 598-1624 or by email to jerry.parr@nelac-institute.org to receive an electronic copy of the document for evaluation purposes only. The laboratory will be required to attest that the document will not be reproduced while in their possession. Failure to abide by the requirement to not reproduce the document could result in penalties for copyright infringement.
October 6th State Water Board Public Workshop
View the official notice for ELAP's October 6th State Water Board Public Workshop.
Application Submission - 90 Day Requirement
Laboratories seeking to renew certification by the California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) must submit a complete application for certification no later than 90 days prior to the expiration of their current certificate. It is the responsibility of the laboratory to know and understand the regulations related to their certification, including that related to application submission requirements.
ELAP is not obligated to notify a laboratory that its certification will be expiring or has lapsed. Any notice sent by ELAP is a courtesy on behalf of the program and should not be the only mechanism a laboratory has in place to prompt the submission of a renewal application.
Failure to submit an application for renewal at least 90 days prior to the expiration of the certificate shall result in expiration of the certificate on the stated expiration date. (California Code of Regulations, Section 64805(d); Health and Safety Code section 100845).
Use ELAP’s Application Checklist to ensure timely submission of a complete application.
2nd Quarterly Expert Review Panel Webinar – June 7th, 10-11am
On June 7th from 10-11am the Southern Coastal California Water Research Project (SCCWRP) will host ELAP’s 2nd Quarterly Review Panel Webinar to keep the Expert Review Panel and the community up to date about the program’s progress.
Register ahead of time here to attend.
New Certifications for Recycled Water Analysis
ELAP will now certify laboratories for the analysis of recycled water samples by the total coliform methods listed in Title 40 Code of Federal Regulations (40 CFR) Part 141 for select types of recycled water. Read the announcement for details.
Redesigned Web Page Goes Live
The goal in revamping our webpage is to improve usability and relevance. The addition of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Map allows users to search by laboratory name, location, or Field(s) of Testing. Each certified laboratory's Accredited Fields of Testing list is available from the laboratory listing.
Training Contract Funding Resolution Approved By SWRCB
At the State Water Resources Control Board Meeting today, April 19th, the Board Members unanimously approved a resolution to authorize the Water Board Executive Director to enter into a contract for up to $1,500,000 for assessor training for ELAP auditors. We will formally request proposals through the public bidding process. We anticipate the contract being awarded in September.
Save-the-Date: Laboratory Accreditation Standard Options Webinar Scheduled for May 5th
The laboratory accreditation standard options webinars that were originally scheduled for March have been rescheduled for May 5th under advisement from ELTAC. We will hold one webinar session from 1:00-3:30pm on Thursday, May 5th. The webinar will cover ELAP's research and analysis of the three options presented in the Expert Review Panel report for adopting a new laboratory accreditation standard,
The agenda and connection information will be released at a later date.
Deadline to Select Laboratory Accreditation Standard Extended
Executive management has approved a request from ELTAC to push back the deadline in our Work Plan for selection of a laboratory accreditation standard. The decision will now be made in September 2016. The additional six months will allow for further outreach and education efforts be ELAP.
Official Notice of ELTAC Meeting - May 11, 2016
Official Notice of ELTAC Meeting - May 11, 2016
Revised Total Coliform Rule Webpage
The Division of Drinking Water has posted important updates regarding the new Federal Revised Total Coliform Rule. Visit their website to view the information.
Redesigned Web Page Goes Live
The goal in revamping our webpage is to improve usability and relevance. The addition of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Map allows users to search by laboratory name, location, or Field(s) of Testing. Each certified laboratory's Accredited Fields of Testing list is available from the laboratory listing.
Training Contract Funding Resolution Approved By SWRCB
At the State Water Resources Control Board Meeting on April 19th, the Board Members unanimously approved a resolution to authorize the Water Board Executive Director to enter into a contract for up to $1,500,000 for assessor training for ELAP auditors. We will formally request proposals through the public bidding process. We anticipate the contract being awarded in September.
Save-the-Date: Laboratory Accreditation Standard Options Webinar Scheduled for May 5th
The laboratory accreditation standard options webinars that were originally scheduled for March have been rescheduled for May 5th under advisement from ELTAC. We will hold one webinar session from 1:00-3:30pm on Thursday, May 5th. The webinar will cover ELAP’s research and analysis of the three options presented in the Expert Review Panel report for adopting a new laboratory accreditation standard. It will be recorded for viewing later.
The agenda will be released at a later date.
Deadline to Select Laboratory Accreditation Standard Extended
Executive management has approved a request from ELTAC to push back the deadline in our Work Plan for selection of a laboratory accreditation standard. The decision will now be made in September 2016. The additional six months will allow for further outreach and education efforts be ELAP.
Updates to Field of Testing 101 and Total Coliform Rule
- View information regarding the April 1st announcement:
TNI Workshop Agendas - Revised Start Time 3/29/16
- April 5th - Rancho Cordova
- April 7th - Costa Mesa
Please note that the TNI Workshops on April 5th and 7th will now begin at 10:00am instead of the previously noticed 9:00am. Also, note that only the April 5th session will be available remotely.
There are still seats available at both workshops and registration is open to all! Don't miss this opportunity to learn about the 2009 TNI Standard and participate in the reform efforts underway at ELAP. Email elapca@waterboards.ca.gov to reserve your spot.
Andy Eaton Elected as ELTAC Chair 3/24/16
Andy Eaton of Eurofins Eaton Analytical has been elected Chairperson of the Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee. As Chairperson, Andy will work closely with ELAP to develop ELTAC’s advisory plan, set meeting agendas, and lead meetings. The Chairperson also presents annually to the State Water Board members on ELTAC’s scope of work.
Please join us in congratulating Andy on his appointment.
Official Notice of ELTAC Meeting - March 23, 2016 3/8/16
The Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program's (ELAP) Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) will meet on March 23, 2016 at the California Environmental Protection Agency Building, 1001 I Street, Room 2540, Sacramento, CA 95814.
This meeting is open to the public and is available via webcast and teleconference. The agenda and connection information are available here.
For questions or information regarding this meeting, contact ELAP at elapca@waterboards.ca.gov.
Meeting Packet
Announcing: 2009 TNI Laboratory Standard Workshop 3/3/16
At the request of stakeholders, ELAP is offering two free workshops covering the 2009 TNI Laboratory Standard, Volume 1, specifically Module 2: Quality Systems General Requirements. The workshops will be led by quality management systems expert, Chris Gunning, of A2LA. The NELAC Institute (TNI) Executive Director Jerry Parr will be in attendance to assist with TNI-specific topics and questions. The TNI laboratory standard is among three accreditation standard options under consideration by ELAP for adoption. Controlled copies of the standard will be available only to in-person attendees. Space is limited to 100 attendees at each location; you must RSVP with your name, organization, and which session you wish to attend to reserve your spot. Reservations will be first come, first serve, for the initial attendee from each organization. Additional attendees will be placed on a waiting list to make spots available to as many different laboratories as possible. The last day to request a spot will be April 1st.
Tuesday April 5th, 2016
Central Valley Regional Water Quality Control Board
11020 Sun Center Drive, Suite 200
Rancho Cordova, CA 95670
Webcast: http://calepa.ca.gov/broadcast/
Web meeting (web and audio): https://stateofcaswrcbweb.centurylinkccc.com/CenturylinkWeb/KatelynMcCarthy
Call-in only: 1-720-279-0026, Passcode: 675535
Thursday April 7th, 2016
Southern California Coastal Water Research Project
3535 Harbor, Blvd., Suite 110
Costa Mesa, CA 92626
Please note: This session will not be available via web or call-in.
Send your RSVP to elapca@waterboards.ca.gov with the subject title: RSVP - TNI Workshop. In the email include your name, organization, and which session you’d like to attend. You’ll receive confirmation you’ve been added either to the confirmed list or waitlist.
New ELTAC Members Announced 2/29/16
Selections for the new Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee have been finalized by Cindy Forbes, Deputy Director of the Division of Drinking Water. The Committee consists of a broad range of individuals who come from interested parties and environmental laboratories that have a wide range of expertise from both Northern and Southern California, from both publicly and privately owned laboratories of all sizes. Please congratulate our new ELTAC.
The Lab Report, 1st Edition 2/29/16
We are excited to release the inaugural edition of our program’s electronic newsletter, The Lab Report.
Our quarterly newsletter will bring you the latest news on happenings in ELAP and progress reports on the reform initiatives laid out in our work plan. Included in this issue:
- Introduction to ELAP
- Expert Review Panel
- Program Updates
- Procedural Updates
- Upcoming Events
- Get To Know ELAP (an interview with the Chief)
- Environmental Laboratory Corner - contributor: Andy Eaton, Eurofins Eaton Analytical
New issues will be announced via email. Anyone interested can subscribe to the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program email list (under the Drinking Water tab) to receive these announcements.
Trailer Bill Language Provides SWRCB Authority to Amend Fee Structure 2/23/16
The trailer bill language provides the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) the authority to adjust ELAP fees using the Emergency Regulation Process. The Emergency Regulation Process will be explained during the Fees Listening Sessions and is the mechanism we will use to quickly amend our regulation to include the new fee structure once adopted by the Board.
ELTAC Nominees 2/22/16
To view a list of nominees for the new Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) click here. Interviews are underway and appointments will be made by Cindy Forbes, Deputy Director of the Division of Drinking Water, before March 1st. All nominees will be contacted prior to that date.
2003 NELAC Standard
Use the resources below to prepare for upcoming stakeholder events regarding the selection of a laboratory accreditation standard.
- View Chapter 5- Quality Systems from the 2003 NELAC Standard.
- Download the full 2003 NELAC Standard here: http://www.nelac-institute.org/content/CSDP/standards.php
- View the compatibility document that details the changes from the 2003 NELAC to the 2009 TNI Standard. It was distributed to laboratories as an implementation aid when the transition took place.
- Purchase of the 2009 TNI Standard is not necessary. These two documents in combination allow laboratories to immediately review the proposed standard.
ELAP Response to Review Panel Webinar 2/12/16
Use the resources below to prepare for upcoming stakeholder events regarding the selection of a laboratory accreditation standard.
Chief Christine Sotelo addresses concerns raised at the Expert Review Panel Webinar on February 8th.
Accreditation Standard Webinar Series
ELAP will hold a webinar series on the three options we are considering in the selection of an accreditation standard. The webinars will walk listeners through the analysis performed by our staff and the advantages and challenges to the implementation of each option. A question and answer period will follow each presentation.
Session 1: Date TBD
Create a state-specific standard
- Examines the possibility of ELAP creating its own, unique laboratory accreditation standard.
Session 2: Date TBD
Modify an existing standard
- Discusses the option of using an existing standard as a starting point and making modifications as necessary.
Session 3: Date TBD
Adopt an existing standard
- Explores the adoption of the 2009 TNI Standard.
- Download the full 2003 NELAC Standard here: http://www.nelac-institute.org/content/CSDP/standards.php
- View Chapter 5- Quality Systems from the 2003 NELAC Standard.
- View the compatibility document that details the changes from the 2003 NELAC to the 2009 TNI Standard. It was distributed to laboratories as an implementation aid when the transition took place.
- Purchase of the 2009 TNI Standard is not necessary. These two documents in combination allow laboratories to immediately review the proposed standard.
Information will follow once the webinars have been scheduled.
Laboratory Notification & Reporting Requirements 2/9/16
See the official notice for important information regarding notification and reporting requirements.
Fee Adjustment Becomes Effective Feb. 1st
The ELAP fee increase became effective February 1, 2016, when it was officially filed with the Office of the Secretary of State. Effective immediately, the following applies:
- Payments remitted to ELAP before February 2, 2016 ARE NOT subject to this fee increase.
- Payments remitted on or after February 2, 2016 ARE subject to the new fee schedule.
- Future invoices will reflect the increased fee amounts.
Over the next several weeks, the Department of Administrative Services Fee Branch will send corrected invoices to those laboratories that have not remitted payment for the 2015-2016 fiscal year.
ELTAC By-Laws Finalized 2/5/16
ELAP has finalized the Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) By-Laws after evaluating stakeholder feedback on the second draft. Nominations to be on the committee are due February 9, 2016.
Colilert Media Snap Pack Quality 2/4/16
This announcement is being distributed to all laboratories accredited by California’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) because of recent issues regarding IDEXX Colilert Media Snap Packs. In several instances, the quality of Colilert Media Snap Packs were compromised because of moisture seeping into the packets.
ELAP would like to remind all ELAP-accredited laboratories that each packet must be inspected for holes, tears in the packaging, and media clumping as part of your laboratory quality control requirements pursuant to California Code of Regulation Section 64815. The majority of media packets identified were from lot number CL326, but other lots may have been affected and must be examined closely before use.
IDEXX has been informed of the possible problems with their product and is conducting an investigation to address this issue. IDEXX requests to be contacted immediately when faulty Colilert media snap packs are found by laboratories. IDEXX can be reached at (207)-556-0300 or (800)-548-6733.
Announcement Regarding ELAP Enforcement Authority
Certified laboratories will receive an announcement via United States Postal Service informing them of ELAP’s statutory authority to conduct an array of enforcement activities. Read the announcement before it arrives.
Water Board Adopts Resolution to Adjust ELAP Fees 12/4/15
The State Water Resources Control Board adopted a resolution to increase ELAP fees at its December 1st meeting. The new amounts may be reflected in your fee invoice as early as January 2016.
ELAP Invoices 11/19/15
The Division of Administrative Services (DAS) Fee Branch has resumed invoicing ELAP-certified laboratories for renewal and annual payments based on the current fee structure. Please submit payment in full by the required due date for any invoice you receive.
ELAP and DAS project that the fee increase will go into effect early 2016. We will discuss the regulatory process we are using to adjust our fees at a Stakeholder Workshop tomorrow. Information is below.
ELAP Stakeholder Fee Workshop 11/19/15
ELAP and the Division of Administrative Services Fee Branch will hold a workshop on Friday, November 20, 2016 at 10:30am in Sacramento. A webcast option is available for those unable to attend in person: www.calepa.ca.gov/broadcast.
The purpose of this workshop is to inform stakeholders about the regulatory process that will be used to implement the upcoming fee adjustment. The State Water Resources Control Board will consider adoption of a resolution at its December 1st meeting to increase the ELAP administration fee to cover program expenditures.
Friday, November 20, 2015
Cal EPA Headquarters Building,
Coastal Hearing Room
1001 I Street, Sacramento, A95814
Proficiency Testing - New ELAP Contact Information 11/13/15
California Code of Regulations requires your laboratory to participate in Proficiency Testing (PT) study sets for each certified analysis annually. Recently, ELAP has updated our PT contact information with Absolute Standards, Advanced Analytical Solutions, ERA, NSI Solutions, Phenova, Sigma-Aldrich, New York State Department of Health, and Wisconsin State Laboratory of Hygiene (Cryptosporidium Program) and notified them that ELAP prefers electronic submission of results.
The PT providers were given the following information:
Contact Person: Christine Sotelo, Chief of ELAP
PT submission email address: Elapca_pt@waterboards.ca.gov
Please note: Your most recent PT results (and applicable corrective action plans) should continue to be included in your application package.
2nd Draft ELTAC By-Laws
ELAP has evaluated stakeholder comments regarding the July 10th draft of its Environmental Laboratory Technical Advisory Committee (ELTAC) By-Laws. Alterations have been made based on feedback and the second draft is available for a 45 day comment period. Submit comments to elapca@waterboards.ca.gov with the subject line BY LAWS PUBLIC COMMENT - 2ND DRAFT. Feedback must be received by 5:00PM on December 9, 2015.
- First Draft ELTAC By-Laws
- Summary of all comments and responses
- Record of full comments
- Read the 2nd Draft ELTAC By-Laws
ELAP Fees Workshop
The State Water Board’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program (ELAP) and Division of Administrative Services Fee Branch held a Stakeholder Workshop on October 8, 2015 to discuss the financial condition of the program and the necessary adjustment of ELAP’s program administration fee for fiscal year 2015/2016. Video of the workshop and copies of the materials from the day are available below.
Expert Review Panel Draft Report Released 10/1/15
The Expert Review Panel for California’s Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program has released the draft of its program evaluation report for stakeholder feedback. Visit the Southern California Coastal Water Research Project (SCCWRP) webpage at: www.sccwrp.org/elap to read the report.
Comments should be submitted to Steve Weisberg at stevew@sccwrp.org, or can be presented to the Panel in person at the October 14th public meeting. The location and agenda for the meeting can also be found on the SCCWRP website.
Strategic Communications Action Plan
Read ELAP’s current Strategic Communications Action Plan. Comments will be accepted on an on-going basis and updates to the plan are made as needed.
Join our email List
- Receive important updates and news from the program. Sign up here - https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/resources/email_subscriptions/
- Select State Water Resources Control Board.
- Fill out your name and email address.
- Select Drinking Water.
- Select Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program.
- Click Subscribe.
- An email notice will be sent to you and you must respond to the message to confirm your membership.
Meet and Greet Events
View the information from the presentations given at ELAP's Meet and Greet Events.
- Program Overview (Christine Sotelo)
- Administrative Processes (Katelyn McCarthy)
- Program Research and Development Unit (Maryam Khosravifard)
- ELAP Webpage (Phillip Gleason)
- Tips for a Successful ELAP Audit (Maryam Khosravifard)
- Meet and Greet Trifold FAQs
EDT Changes and Reminders
Storet Code 00618 (Nitrate as N)
Regulation requires Nitrate to be reported/expressed as N and in mg/L. By January 1, 2016, all nitrate data submitted to the EDT Portal must be submitted under Storet Code 00618 (Nitrate as N), otherwise the data will not be accepted.
Storet Code 00620 (Nitrite as N)
Starting January 1, 2016, all Nitrite data submitted to the EDT Portal must be reported in mg/L. Do not change your system of reporting before January 1, 2016.
Storet Code A-029 (Nitrate + Nitrite as N)
Starting January 1, 2016, all Nitrate + Nitrite data submitted to the EDT Portal must be reported in mg/L. Do not change your system of reporting before January 1, 2016.
Laboratory Reporting Errors
Effective immediately, laboratory reporting errors will not be changed in the database. Instead:
- Labs will inform the district office of the error.
- District office will approve deletion of erroneous data from database.
- Lab will resubmit data electronically.
Email eric.miguelino@waterboards.ca.gov with questions on EDT procedures.
Regarding New Procedures for Electronic Data Transfer (EDT)
Read the Division of Drinking Water’s Announcement here.
Important Change in Nitrate Reporting Requirements
California's drinking water regulations were recently revised. The revisions include a change in nitrate reporting units that will affect California ELAP accredited laboratories. Read the detailed announcement here.