2022 California Environmental Laboratory Accreditation Program Conference
Date: May 31 – June 3, 2022
Time: 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m
Location: Virtual
Thank you to all who were able to attend the 2022 ELAP Conference! If you missed the live event, you may view each day of the conference on the ELAP YouTube Channel, using the links below. Clips and timestamps for each presentation are available below each video.
Looking for Alexandria Turner’s Ethics Training to fulfill the annual requirement for your laboratory? Find it on Day 3 @ 1:41:03. Download our free sign-sheet here.
Please note: Laboratories are required to maintain records of attendance. This specific sign-in sheet is not required. ELAP is providing this as a convenient option for laboratories to record attendance to the ethics training provided during the ELAP Conference, however laboratories may use any sign-in sheet they prefer.
View the 2022 ELAP Conference
May 31st : Set Sail With Laboratory Essentials – Now available on the ELAP YouTube Channel
June 1st : Optimize Your Laboratory – Now available on the ELAP YouTube Channel
June 2nd : Laboratory Ethics and Integrity – Now available on the ELAP YouTube Channel
June 3rd : TNI Documentation Workshop - The Final Voyage – Now available on the ELAP YouTube Channel