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Water Rights Demand Data Analysis Methodology
The State Water Resources Control Board Division of Water Rights (Division) has developed a methodology to standardize and improve the accuracy of water diversion and use data that is used to determine water availability and inform water management and regulatory decisions. The Water Rights Demand Data Analysis Methodology (Methodology) is a series of data pre-processing steps, R Scripts, and data processing modules that identify and help address data quality issues related to both the self-reported water diversion and use data from water right holders or their agents and the Division of Water Rights electronic water rights data. Below is an overview of the sequential individual steps of the Methodology process. For more information please review the Water Rights Demand Data Analysis Methodology Overview document or download the Demand Analysis .zip file below.
The Methodology will be updated regularly, as needed, based on feedback from interested parties and lessons learned through implementation. Please check this webpage frequently to ensure you have the latest version, which was last updated January 12, 2024.
Final Demand Dataset
The Division is working to apply the Methodology to the Cannabis Cultivation Policy Priority Regions and other priority watersheds throughout the state to produce a set of curated data demand inputs to assist supply and demand assessment and water allocation efforts. The resulting datasets use averaged revised historical reported data to provide temporally and spatially distributed estimates of expected water demand and other relevant water right attributes within the area of interest and can be downloaded by clicking the links below. As additional areas of interest are evaluated over time, the finalized datasets will be published below.
2023 North Coast Cannabis Policy Region 4 Demand Dataset (2015-2022 reporting years.) and corresponding Modules, Scripts, and Data (170 MB) includes the major watersheds of the Eel and Mad-Redwood subbasins. See the Staff Report for information on the North Coast Cannabis Policy Region 4.
Overview of the Methodology Process
Step 2: Download and unzip the Demand Analysis .zip file to your local hard drive. This file contains the detailed instructions and standard operating procedures (SOPs) associated with each step below and the working files you will need to complete an analysis.

Step 3: Prior to any data analysis, the user completes a series of pre-processing steps in which the raw Report Management System (RMS) and electronic Water Rights Information Management System (eWRIMS) data is retrieved, compiled, and filtered using an R Script. The dataset is then input into ArcGIS Pro for further data pre-processing during which the user verifies the location of the water rights included in the analysis and assigns a single point of diversion (POD) for water rights with multiple PODs.
Step 4: The next step is to input the dataset into the Data Processing Modules, which identify and correct errors and prepares a final dataset for water availability analysis by addressing the following types of data issues.
Excessive Reported Diversions
- Unit Conversion Errors
- Diversion Exceeds Face Value or Initial Reported Diversion
- Diversion Reported Outside Season of Diversion
- Diversion and Use Data Statistics
Duplicate Reporting
- Duplicate Points of Diversion
- Duplicate Diversion and Use Values Reported for Multiple Water Rights
- Duplicate Diversion and Use Values Reported for Multiple Months or Years
- Duplicate Diversion, Storage, and Use Values
Missing Data
- Missing Contact Information
- Missing RMS Reports
Water Availability Data
- Resolve Priority Date Conflicts
- Account for Water Returned Back to System and Non-Consumptive Beneficial Uses
- Multiple Points of Diversion in Different Sub Watersheds
- Identify Primary Beneficial Use
Step 6: The last step is to compile the final water demand dataset into the Master Demand Table that can be used as an input for water availability models, data visualization tools, and other water demand analyses.
Previous Versions of Demand Analysis files
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Drought@waterboards.ca.gov and include Demand Data Analysis Methodology in the Subject line