Oil & Gas Monitoring

Information for Oil and Gas Operators

Health Protection Zone Water Sampling

According to the requirements established by Senate Bill 1137 (Gonzales, Statutes of 2022), when an operator receives approval for a Notice of Intention (NOI) to conduct drilling work (ex. new drill, redrill, deepening, and sidetrack activities) on a well within a Health Protection Zone (HPZ), they are required to notify and offer water well or surface water sampling to property owners and tenants within 3,200 feet of the wellhead.

If a request for sampling from a property owner or tenant is received, sampling must be conducted before and after the NOI work. Sampling data must be uploaded to the State Water Board GeoTracker database. Once a request for sampling has been made, the operator must contact the State Water Board to initiate the sampling data upload process.

For further questions regarding how to proceed with sampling, contact us at DWQ-HPZoneSampling@waterboards.ca.gov.

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