Information for Property Owners and Tenants
Health Protection Zone Water Sampling
Senate Bill 1137 (Gonzalez, Chapter 365, Statutes of 2022) requires the California Geologic Energy Management Division (CalGEM) to prohibit the permitting of new wells or construction of new production facilities in a Health Protection Zone, which is an area within 3,200 feet of a sensitive receptor. If CalGEM approves drilling work (ex. new drill, redrill, deepening, and sidetrack activities) to be conducted on a well within a Health Protection Zone; all property owners and tenants within 3,200 feet of the wellhead must be notified and offered water quality sampling.
If water sampling is requested, then the operator must collect a baseline and followup sample. The analytical data results are available on the State Water Board’s GeoTracker Information database and provided to the property owner/tenant(s), CalGEM, and the Water Boards.
To learn more about analytical data collected in your area, please utilize the GeoTracker Map, or reach out to Water Boards staff via email at
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