Citizen Science Day - Celebrating Emergent Innovation
Join us for Citizen Science Day as the State Water Board’s Office of Information Management and Analysis and the Clean Water Team present a day of Citizen Science celebrating Emergent Innovation.
When & Where: The Joe Serna Jr. CalEPA Headquarters Building
1001 I Street P.O. Box 2815 Sacramento, CA 95812 ( at the corner of 10th and I)
9:00 am – 12:00 pm Trash Monitoring Workgroup
CalEPA Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, Room 2510
10:00 am - 11:00 am Building a Better Tomorrow for Community Water Science: Introducing the Work of the Water Data Collaborative and the Internet of Water a Citizen Science Day Webinar Collaboration with River Network - Coastal Room
(If you are not at CalEPA, see the instructions below for on-line participation.)
11:00 am – 1:00 pm Citizen Science Fair
CalEPA Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, Lobby
1:00 pm – 4:00 pm Emergent Innovation (Guest Speakers and Special Films)
CalEPA Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, Byron Sher Auditorium
Live Streaming Emergent Innovation Presentations: https://video.calepa.ca.gov/
How to Register- Please go to the Eventbrite Registration Page to sign up for this free event
Celebrate Emergent Innovation
Under the name of Citizen Science, many innovative practices in which avocational scientists pose and answer real-world questions are growing rapidly worldwide. Citizen Science can furnish ready-made solutions with citizens playing an active role.
The field of citizen science research is growing and is experiencing contributions from diverse disciplines, promoting innovation in science, society, and policy. Inter- and transdisciplinary discussions and critical analyses are needed to use the current momentum to evaluate, demonstrate, and build on the advances that have been made in the past few years.
When coupled with big data, citizen science projects will expand yet further. Open platforms will give individuals access to data, models and analyses, so they can pose their own questions and find solutions. This will change the way we teach science in schools and perform research.
Get Started with a Stream Selfie
Celebrate Citizen Science Day early by taking a Stream Selfie. Stream Selfies connect you with thousands of other citizen scientists to paint a picture of streams across America. Simply snap a pic of your local stream and share it here.
This activity will help get more people outdoors to share photos of their local streams and rivers. The goal is to create a map of potential stream monitoring sites for future monitoring by citizen volunteers. Thousands of people are working toward a common goal: clean water. Will you join us?
Trash Monitoring Workgroup Meeting
The first meeting of the Trash Monitoring Workgroup will be on Tuesday, April 16, 2019 in Sacramento from 9:00 am until 12:00 pm at the CalEPA Building, 1001 I Street, Sacramento, room 2510.
We will be discussing the draft charter for the Trash Monitoring Workgroup and building off the momentum of the 2018 Inaugural Trash Data Dive. Additionally, we are excited to have Holly Wyer of the Ocean Protection Council and Christine Flowers of the Valley Foothill Watersheds Collaborative as guest speakers.

The agenda will be sent out before the meeting. Please visit the California Trash Monitoring Methods Project and sign up for Newsletter/Mailing List. Remote access will be provided for those unable to attend in person. Documents such as the draft charter, a summary of the 2018 Trash Data Dive, and references can be accessed through: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1yMFfiqkPAasBzr3cCFLtwRKdbYVZgEEL?usp=sharing
Building a Better Tomorrow for Community Water Science: Introducing the Work of the Water Data Collaborative and the Internet of Water
A Citizen Science Day Webinar Collaboration with River Network. This webinar will introduce viewers to the work of the Water Data Collaborative and the Internet of Water. These two analogous efforts are working to build better infrastructure to make water data more documented, discoverable, and useful. Learn about the tools and resources we are creating to help turn your data into useful information that guides water protection across the country.

Citizen Science Fair
Learn about amazing discoveries • Meet incredible volunteers and scientists • Be inspired
Citizen Science practitioners and programs will be visiting CalEPA for the day. Tables and posters will be set up in the lobby featuring projects from agencies and community based organizations.
- Community and Environmental Epidemiology Research Branch - Office of Environmental Health Hazard Assessment
- California Air Resources Board- Advanced Monitoring Techniques Section, Monitoring & Laboratory Division
- California Fish and Wildlife Invasive Species Program
- Clean Water Team - State Water Resources Control Board
- Center for Community and Citizen Science at U.C. Davis
- California Naturalist Program - University of California Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources
- Sierra Streams Institute
- The Watershed Project
- The Cosumnes Coalition (The American River Conservancy)
- The Stream Team
Emergent Innovation
Discover Emergent Innovations Addressing California’s Water Quality Issues from Trash
Special Guest Speakers:
Shelly Moore, Information Research Scientist, SCCWRP
Shelly is a Scientist in the Biogeochemistry Department who specializes in a variety of areas relative to water quality. She has expertise in marine debris, fish biology and data management/analysis/visualization. She received her B.S. in Marine Biology in 1991 and M.S. in Biology (with a focus on fish and biostatistics) in 1998 from California State University, Long Beach. Ms. Moore joined SCCWRP in July 1994. Her present efforts focus on examining the amount, fate and effect of marine debris/trash in a variety of habitats through projects such as the Bight Regional Monitoring Program and the state-wide Trash Monitoring Method Project to develop monitoring methods for use by many stakeholders. She is also examining/developing new methods for examining trash, such as UAS (drone) imagery and machine learning to identify and quantify macro-debris, and new microscopic techniques to examine microplastics.
Megan Brousseau, Associate Director, Inland Empire Waterkeeper Megan was the Associate Director of Inland Empire Waterkeeper and is responsible for the day to day operation of the organization including all programs under Waterkeeper’s five pillars of: Advocacy, Education, Research, Restoration and Enforcement. With a comprehensive knowledge of the unique resources and challenges of the Santa Ana Watershed and its region, Megan leads the organization in the mission of Swimmable, Drinkable, Fishable waters with a collaborative approach to attaining a watershed of educated and motivated water stewards. Her comprehensive background in program administration includes managing nature and science education venues, and developing science education programs in non-formal learning environments. An active member of the Inland Empire community, Megan has spent a decade working on projects that increase community livability and sustainability, from fundraising for nonprofits to the development of southern California’s largest family nature club.
Special Film Screening
Explore innovative citizen science, culture, and our environment through a selection of specially curated videos for this event.
Films to be Screened
Intro to Citizen Science 2:00pm
- Citizen Science
- Citizen Science: Everybody Counts
- Discussion on Citizen Science
Examples in Mountain Ecosystems 2:30pm
- Running Wild
- A Marten Short
- Stream Team
- Ohio Volunteer Monitoring
- Stream Tracker Citizen Science
- Discussion on Citizen Science Examples
Examples in Ocean Ecosystems 3:00pm
- Here Be Pirates: The First Citizen Scientists
- Join Our Team - Reef Check California
- California Collaborative Fisheries Research Program
- Discussion on Citizen Science Examples
Citizen Science and YOU! 3:30pm
- How You Can Help Save the Bees, One Hive at a Time
- NASA's GLOBE Program
- NASA's GLOBE Program - Clouds
- NASA's GLOBE Program - Trees
- Stanford Professor Creates Network of Citizen Scientists
- Urban Cliffs: Citizen Science and the Peregrine Falcons of San Jose
- Our Voice: Citizen Science for Health Equity
- Science Cheerleaders
Experience more Innovation by joining us for the 2019 Water Data Science Symposium.
The Surface Water Ambient Monitoring Program (SWAMP), the California Water Quality Monitoring Council, the California Water Boards Data Center, and the San Francisco Estuary Institute (SFEI) are hosting the Fourth Annual California Water Boards Science Symposium on July 1-2, 2019 in Sacramento, CA. This annual event aims to enhance how water quality monitoring generates meaningful data that informs water quality management decisions. This year’s Symposium will revolve around the theme of Open Water California- Innovating Through Integrating and Expanding the Water Data Community. Water data is being collected by a more diverse group of citizens and organizations than ever.
Presentations, expert panel discussions, and posters are expected to inform water resource issues for the following subject areas:
Ecological Flows
Citizen Monitoring
Climate Pressure
In addition to these broad themes, abstracts addressing the following specific topics will be prioritized for inclusion in the Symposium program:
Statewide monitoring programs
Innovative monitoring tools
Open data
Data visualization and communication
How to Register- Please go to the Eventbrite Registration Page to sign up for this free event.
For over 18 years the Water Boards’ Clean Water Team has been a leader of Citizen Monitoring. Since its founding the Clean Water Team has assisted hundreds of water quality monitoring programs and Citizen Monitoring data has been used throughout California helping communities and agencies wisely steward California’s watersheds and water quality. For more information please contact Erick Burres, Citizen Monitoring Coordinator at eburres@waterboards.ca.gov or 213-576-6788.