Public Comments Regarding FY2014/15 Water Quality Fees Regulations

Commenter(s) Submitted by:
Agricultural Council of California Emily Rooney
Best Best & Krieger LLP on behalf of the Southern San Joaquin Valley Water Quality Coalition William Thomas
California Association of Sanitation Agencies Adam Link
California Dairy Quality Assurance Program Michael Payne
California Stormwater Quality Association Geoff Brosseau
Dairy Cares J.P. Cativiela
Harrison, Temblador, Hungerford & Johnson LLP on behalf of Mercer Fraser Company and Eureka Ready Mix Sean Hungerford
Rural County Representatives of California Staci Heaton
Spaletta Diary-Point Reyes Nichola Spaletta
University of California, Davis Deanne Meyer


For further information on this topic, please contact:

Sarah Fong at (916) 341-5129 or by email at