Racial Equity at the Water Boards

Racial equity is a Water Boards’ priority. We are working toward a future where race no longer predicts a person’s access to water or the quality of water resources they receive, where race does not predict professional outcomes for our employees, and where we consistently consider racial equity impacts before we make decisions.
The Lahontan Water Board is committed to ensuring that every Californian in the Lahontan Region enjoys equitable protection from environmental harm. Through public and employee engagement, we are working toward better understanding the needs of the communities in the Lahontan Region, providing equitable access to resources and services, confronting barriers to progress, and incorporating diverse perspectives into program and policies to ensure that our work equitably benefits everyone, regardless of race.
On August 20, 2024, the Lahontan Regional Water Quality Control Board (Lahontan Water Board) adopted Resolution R6-2024-0036 in Support of Racial Equity in the Lahontan Region. The Lahontan Water Board’s Racial Equity Resolution affirms commitment to the State Water Board’s Resolution No. 2021-0050 Condemning Racism, Xenophobia, Bigotry, and Racial Injustice and Strengthening Commitment to Racial Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, Access, and Anti-Racism. The Lahontan Water Board’s Racial Equity Resolution is a milestone on a journey toward racial equity and environmental justice for tribes, communities, and stakeholders of the Lahontan Region.
The next step for our Racial Equity Working Group is developing the Racial Equity and Environmental Justice Action Plan (Action Plan), which will set goals for the Lahontan Water Board to address racial inequities and environmental justice within the Board’s regulatory purview with respect to water quality in the Lahontan Region. The Lahontan Water Board aims to develop the Action Plan in collaboration with tribes, stakeholders, and the communities most impacted by racial inequities and environmental justice issues. If you are interested in collaborating on the development of the Action Plan, please contact Melissa Thaw at Melissa.Thaw@waterboards.ca.gov
Contact Us
Anna Garcia
Senior Engineering Geologist (Specialist)
(760) 243-4261
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