San Diego Region - Wildfires
This Website provides information to the public regarding points of contact, guidance, and other information on issues related to water quality and waste management in the wake of the wildfires in the San Diego Region.
The San Diego Water Board adopted a conditional waiver of waste discharge requirements for Discharges of Emergency/Disaster Related Wastes (Emergency Waste Waiver) in Order No. R9-2014-0041. The waiver is for the management and disposal of wastes resulting from a regional emergency or disaster where the Governor of California has issued a proclamation, pursuant to Government Code sections 8625 and 8558(b), identifying a portion of the San Diego Region as being in a state of emergency. Waste streams from wildfires and other regional disasters may be a source of pollutants that can adversely affect the quality of waters of the State.
Discharges of disaster related wastes to temporary waste piles and surface impoundments require that a notice of intent (NOI) be submitted to the San Diego Water Board. Provided below are links to the Emergency Waste Waiver and the NOI.
- Waiver No. 12: Discharges of Emergency/Disaster Related Wastes (Emergency Waste Waiver)
- Notice of Intent (NOI) - Attachment A to Order No. R9-2014-0041
The San Diego Water Board staff will update this Website with additional information as it becomes available.
Subscribe to our Email Lists
- Laurie Walsh -
Senior WRC Engineer
Storm Water Management Unit
(619) 521-3373 - Eric Becker - Senior WRC Engineer
Wetland and Riparian Protection Unit
(619) 521-3364