Agriculture Regulatory Program

Agriculture Regulatory Program

About the Program

The Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (Santa Ana Water Board) regulates discharges from agricultural lands within the San Jacinto River Watershed. Discharges from agricultural lands enter or threaten to enter surface waters and/or groundwaters of the state and may cause or contribute to conditions of pollution or nuisance and/or to violation of applicable water quality objectives. The Water Quality Control Plan for the Santa Ana River Basin (Basin Plan) identifies surface waters and groundwaters within the San Ana Water Board’s jurisdictional boundaries, including the San Jacinto River Watershed, designates beneficial uses for those waters, establishes water quality objectives to protect those uses, and contains implementation plans for achieving the objectives.

General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste from Irrigated Lands in the San Jacinto River Watershed, Riverside County

To protect the beneficial uses of the state’s waters, the Santa Ana Water Board adopted Order R8-2023-0006, General Waste Discharge Requirements for Discharges of Waste from Irrigated Lands in the San Jacinto River Watershed, Riverside County (Agriculture General Order), on February 3, 2023. The Agriculture General Order supersedes the Conditional Waiver (R8-2016-0003, as amended by R8-2017-0023 and R8-2021-0034) for agricultural discharges in the San Jacinto River Watershed. For a copy of historic documents please contact

Approved Third-Party Coalition Group:
San Jacinto Coalition –
Jim Schain, Principal Environmental Compliance Analyst
Phone: (951)928-3777 x6202