Confined Animal Facilities Program Logo
Santa Ana Region CAF

Confined Animal Facilities

The Santa Ana Water Board is drafting new General Waste Discharge Requirements to regulate several types of confined animal facilities, including dairies, feedlots, horse facilities, and poultry facilities.

Manure and wastewater from confined animal facilities have the potential to contribute to pollutants such as nitrogen, phosphorus, organic matter, sediments, pathogens, nutrients, salts, metals, and other constituents.

The Santa Ana Water Board currently regulates individuals discharging dairy wastes or other similar wastes from dairies or related facilities to waters of the United States in any manner that may affect water quality.

The current permit regulating dairies and related facilities can be found on the Dairy Program Page

Upcoming Workshops

The Santa Ana Water Board will hold workshops to brief stakeholders on elements of the upcoming Confined Animal Facilities General Order. Workshops will also serve as an opportunity for interested parties to provide oral feedback.

Language Services

The Waterboards provides language services at no cost. For written translation or oral/sign language interpretation, contact us in your language at (916) 341-5254 or

Las Juntas de Agua ofrecen servicios lingüísticos gratuitos. Para traducciones escritas o interpretación oral o de lenguaje de señas, comuníquese con nosotros al (916) 341-5254 o envíe un correo electrónico a 

Vietnamese/Tiếng Việt
Ban Kiểm Soát Nước cung cấp miễn phí dịch vụ ngôn ngữ. Để yêu cầu dịch văn bản hoặc thông dịch lời nói/ngôn ngữ ký hiệu, hãy liên lạc với chúng tôi bằng ngôn ngữ của quý vị theo số (916) 341-5254 hoặc tại

  Language Services Flyer

CAF Program News

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Helpful Links (Coming Soon)

  • Do I need an NPDES permit?
  • What is an NPDES permit?
  • How do NPDES permits protect water quality?

Contacts Us

Santa Ana Water Board
Confined Animal Facilities Mailbox

Michael Kashak
Environmental Scientist
(951) 782-4469

Brian Covellone
Senior Engineering Geologist
(951) 782-4382

  Report an Environmental Concern