Groundwater Basins

Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Status Map

The State Water Board’s Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) Status Map shows high- and medium-priority groundwater basins subject to SGMA. It includes basins with approved, incomplete, or inadequate Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) as determined by the California Department of Water Resources, and basins with unmanaged areas, which fall outside the boundaries of a Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSAs). The map displays information on the status of basins, as of November 21, 2024, that are potentially subject to state intervention by the State Water Board.


SGMA Basin and Groundwater Sustainability Agency Lookup Tool

Use the SGMA Basin and Groundwater Sustainability Agency Lookup Tool to find the basin and Groundwater Sustainability Agency (GSA), including GSA contact information, associated with an address. Simply enter an address or location into the lookup tool and the basin and GSA information for that location will appear.

Groundwater Basins' Plans Deemed Inadequate

The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) evaluated Groundwater Sustainability Plans (GSPs) in critically overdrafted groundwater basins subject to SGMA and on March 2, 2023 found that six basins’ plans were inadequate. On February 27, 2025, DWR found one additional GSP for the Pleasant Valley Subbasin was inadequate. Basins that are deemed inadequate by DWR may be subject to state intervention by the State Water Board. The first step of state intervention is a determination by the State Water Board, through a public process with a public hearing, as to whether the basin should be placed on probation (designating a basin as probationary). A probationary designation will identify the issues (deficiencies) that led to state intervention and provide at least one year for the Groundwater Sustainability Agencies in that basin to remedy those deficiencies. During probation, certain groundwater extractors may be subject to annual groundwater extraction reporting requirements and filing fees.

For more information on the stages of state intervention and if state intervention may impact you, visit State Intervention. If you are interested in any of the basins below, please click the link for that basin name to view copies of public notices, letters, reports, or other documents as they become available.

Basins Deemed Inadequate and Potentially Subject to State Intervention

Groundwater Basins with Unmanaged Areas

Many groundwater basins subject to SGMA are managed by several GSAs, with each managing a portion of the basin. Under SGMA, all parts of a groundwater basin should be covered (managed) by a GSA. Groundwater basins without complete GSA coverage have unmanaged areas. An unmanaged area is a portion of a high- or medium-priority groundwater basin that is not within the management area of a GSA, an adjudication (a legal ruling to resolve groundwater rights in a basin), or an alternative to a Groundwater Sustainability Plan. Unmanaged areas in a basin are subject to intervention by the State Water Board.

Basins with Unmanaged Areas Under State Intervention

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If you have questions, please contact us at 916-322-6508 or email at

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