Biostimulatory Substances/Biological Integrity Regulatory Advisory Group

Regulatory Group

The Regulatory Group will advise the State Water Board staff on development of a Biostimulatory Substances Objective and Program to Implement Biological Integrity. It will ensure coordination among other State Water Board programs and all Regional Water Boards so that the Control Program delivers the tools that regulators and managers need. It will also ensure that the appropriate training and outreach are provided so that these tools will be used correctly and equitably. As with the Stakeholder Advisory Group, one or more representatives are chosen to represent their agency to ensure effective communication. These meetings are not generally open to the public. For each meeting a list of topics covered is provided.

Regulatory Group Meetings

Date Agenda Meeting Location
2/15/2017 Agenda
5/10/2017 Agenda
Presentation 1
Presentation 2

Link to Archived Regulatory Group Information Page for Nutrient Objective Development

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