Bay Protection and Toxic Cleanup Program - (BPTCP)
EMAP/NOAA/BPTCP Cooperative Pilot Study of Southern California Coastal Lagoons/Estuaries - Regions 8 & 9
- Legs
- 34
and 36
- 34
and 36
- Sampling
Dates and Regions - Fieldata.dbf
- Leg 34 - 8/30/94 through 9/1/94 - Region 9
- Leg 36 - 9/19/94 through 9/21/94 - Region 8 & 9
- Number
- 43 total stations
- 30 stations were NOAA/EMAP random locations
- 13 stations were targeted for possible hot spots
- Chemical
Analysis - Chem3436.dbf
- Organic analysis completed on all 43 stations
- Metal analysis completed on all 43 stations
- TOC & grain size analysis completed on all
43 stations
- Toxicity
Testing - Tox3436.dbf
- Amphipod (Rhepoxynius ) survival test in solid phase completed on all 43 stations
- Amphipod ( Ampelisca ) survival test in solid phase completed on 25 stations
- Urchin larvae development in pore water test completed
on all 43 stations
- Benthic
Community - Ben1-56.dbf
- Benthic
samples collected and analyzed from all 43 stations
(3 replicates per station)
- Benthic
samples collected and analyzed from all 43 stations
(3 replicates per station)
- Products
- Data report for Legs 34 & 36 submitted to SWRCB November 1995; includes all analytical data, cruise reports; QA/QC reports for chemistry, toxicity, TOC, grain size, and benthic data.