Existing Flow Requirements
Many rivers in California have existing instream flow requirements through licenses issued by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission for hydropower projects, Biological Opinions issued by the National Marine Fisheries Service or the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, or water right orders and decisions issued by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board). This webpage provides a comprehensive list of existing instream flow requirements in California, as reflected to the best knowledge of State Water Board staff. While this webpage was developed to assist cannabis cultivators with compliance with the Cannabis Policy, it has utility beyond cannabis cultivation. Cannabis cultivators should refer to the Cannabis Cultivators section below.
The estimated geographic extent of each requirement is represented by a polygon layer in the interactive GIS mapping tool below. Clicking on a polygon will provide an overview of the flow requirement for the applicable stream reach. More information on the existing instream flow requirements is located below the mapping tool and is organized by Cannabis Policy region and stream reach. The associated compliance gages are also included, as applicable.
While the goal of this website is to compile a comprehensive list of existing instream flow requirements in California, the list may be incomplete and the estimated geographic extent of the flow requirements may have been misinterpreted. If you have comments, corrections, or additional information, you are encouraged to contact State Water Board staff by email at CannabisWR@waterboards.ca.gov.
Cannabis Cultivators:
Per the Cannabis Policy, cannabis cultivators shall comply with either: (a) existing instream flow requirements (e.g., Biological Opinion or Federal Energy Regulatory Commission license flow requirements); or (b) the Cannabis Policy Tessmann instream flow requirements, whichever is greater. Cannabis cultivators should refer to the Online Cannabis Policy Compliance Gage Mapping Tool (online mapping tool) to determine whether an existing flow requirement may apply to their point of diversion.
Cannabis Policy Regions:
Quick Links:
Klamath | Upper Sacramento | North Eastern Desert | North Coast | Middle Sacramento | Southern Sacramento
North Central Coast | Tahoe | South Central Coast | San Joaquin | Mono | Kern | South Coast | South Eastern Desert
Klamath River
- Biological Opinions on the Effects of Proposed Klamath Operations
- Water Right Decision #1387 to Appropriate from Collins Creek in Siskiyou County
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Collins Creek from diversion structure to confluence with Klamath River
Trinity River
- Biological Opinion for the Trinity River Mainstem Fishery Restoration EIS
Upper Sacramento
McCloud River
Pit River
- Hat Creek 1 & 2 Power Project Water Quality Certification #P-2661
- Grasshopper Flat Project FERC License #P-9029
Existing Flow Requirements:
- West Fork Nelson Creek Below the Diversion Dam to Powerhouse
- Hatchet Creek Project FERC License #5931
- Hatchet Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Lost Creek No. 1 Project FERC License #P-3863
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Lost Creek Below the Point of Diversion to the First Impoundment
- Muck Valley Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-8296
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Pit River Below Muck Valley Diversion Dam to Muck Valley Powerhouse
- Roaring Creek Water Power Project FERC License #P-7282
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Little Roaring Creek Below the Diversion Dam to its confluence with Roaring Creek
- Pit 1 Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-2687
- Pit River from Pit 1 Forebay to the Pit 1 Powerhouse
- Pit River from Pit 1 Powerhouse to Lake Britton Dam
- Pit 3, 4 and 5 Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-233
Existing Flow Requirements:
Existing Flow Requirements:
North Eastern Desert
No Existing Flow Requirements
North Coast
Eel River
- Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-77
- Three Forks Water Power Project FERC License #P-10882
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bluford Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Mud Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
Kekawaka Creek
- Kekawaka Creek Hydropower Project FERC License #P-7120
Existing Flow Requirements:
Kekawaka Creek from Kekawaka Diversion Dam to confluence with Eel River
Mattole River
- Baker Creek Project FERC License #P-4627
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Baker Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
Middle Sacramento
Battle Creek
- Battle Creek Salmon and Steelhead Restoration Project Water Quality Certification #P-1121
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Fork Battle Creek Below Eagle Canyon Diversion Dam
- North Fork Battle Creek Below Eagle Canyon Diversion Dam
- South Fork Battle Creek Below Inskip Diversion Dam
- Baldwin Creek Below the Asbury Diversion Dam
- North Fork Battle Creek from North Battle Creek Reservoir to McCumber Reservoir
- North Fork Battle Creek from McCumber Reservoir Dam to Al Smith Diversion Dam
- North Fork Battle Creek from Al Smith Diversion Dam to Keswick Diversion Dam
- North Fork Battle Creek from Keswick Diversion Dam to Feeder Diversion Dam
- North Fork Battle Creek from Feeder Diversion Dam to Eagle Canyon Diversion Dam
- Ponderosa/Bailey Project FERC License #P-8357
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bailey Creek Below the Project’s Diversion Dam to the Powerhouse
Butte Creek
- DeSabla-Centerville Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-803
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Butte Creek from Centerville Diversion Dam to Parrott-Phelan Diversion Dam
- Butte Creek from Butte Creek Diversion Dam to Centerville Diversion Dam
- Clear Creek Below Butte Creek Diversion Dam
- Inskip Creek Below Butte Creek Diversion Dam
- Kelsey Creek Below Butte Creek Diversion Dam
- Forks of Butte Creek Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-6896
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Butte Creek from Centerville Diversion Dam to Parrott-Phelan Diversion Dam
Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek
- Arbuckle Mountain Hydropower Project FERC License # P-7178
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Fork Cottonwood Creek in the Bypass Reach
Sacramento River
- Biological Opinion on Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Sacramento River from Keswick Dam to the Legal Delta
- Olsen Water Power Project FERC License #P-8361
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Old Cow Creek from the Project Diversion Dam to the Powerhouse
Southern Sacramento
American River
- Major Applications to Appropriate Water from American River System Water Right Decision D893
Existing Flow Requirements:
- American River Below Nimbus Dam
Middle Fork American River
- Middle Fork American River Project FERC License #P-2079
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Long Creek Below North Fork Long Canyon Diversion Dam
- Long Creek Below South Fork Long Canyon Diversion Dam
- Middle Fork American River Below French Meadows Dam
- Middle Fork American River Below Interbay Dam
- Middle Fork American River Below Duncan Creek Diversion Dam
- Middle Fork American River Below Oxbow Powerhouse
- Rubicon River Below Hell Hole Dam
South Fork American River
- Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2155
- El Dorado Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-184
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Caples Creek Below Caples Lake Dam
- Pyramid Creek Below Lake Aloha Dam
- Silver Fork American River Below Silver Lake Dam
- South Fork American River Below Kyburz Dam
- Alder Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Bull Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Esmerelda Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Mill Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Ogilby Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Silver Fork American River Below its Confluence with Oyster Creek
- New Slab Creek Powerhouse and Boating Flow Release Valve Project FERC License #P-2101
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Slab Creek from Slab Creek Dam to the Slab Creek Powerhouse
- Rock Creek Hydroelectric Project
- Water Right Decision #870 relating to Applications 12323, 12624 and 14963
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Fork American River from Slab Creek Dam to Powerhouse
Bear River
- Camp Far West Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2997
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bear River from Camp Far West Dam to confluence with Feather River
- Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2266
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bear River from Dutch Flat Afterbay to Rollins Reservoir
- Bear River from Rollins Reservoir to Lake Combie
North Fork Cache Creek
- Applications of County of Yolo to Appropriate from Cache Creek and North Fork Cache Creek Water Right Decision #991
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Fork Cache Creek from Indian Valley Dam to confluence with Cache Creek
Middle Fork Cosumnes River
- Middle Fork American River Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-8722
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Perry Creek from Diversion Dam to confluence with Middle Fork Cosumnes River
Feather River
- Camp Creek Project FERC License #P-6120
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Camp Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- DeSabla-Centerville Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-803
- Five Bears Power Project FERC License #P-6281
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Branch Ward Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Oroville Facilities Project FERC License #P-2100
North Fork Feather River
- Bucks Creek FERC License #P-619
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bucks Creek from Lower Bucks Lake to confluence with North Fork Feather River
- Grizzly Creek from Grizzly Forebay dam to confluence with North Fork Feather River
- Butt Valley-Caribou No. 2 Project FERC License #P-2105
- Poe Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2107
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Fork Feather River Below Poe Dam
- Rock Creek-Cresta Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-1962
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Fork Feather River from Rock Creek Reservoir dam to Cresta Dam
South Fork Feather River
- Kanaka Project FERC License #P-7242
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Sucker Run Creek from the Project Diversion Dam to the Powerhouse
- South Fork Project FERC License #P-2088
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Fork Feather River from Little Grass Valley Dam to South Fork Diversion Dam
- South Fork Feather River from South Fork Diversion Dam to Forbestown Diversion Dam
- South Fork Feather River from Forbestown Diversion Dam to Forbestown Powerhouse
- South Fork Feather River Below Slate Creek Diversion Dam
Mokelumne River
- Water Right Decision 1641 in the Matter of Implementation of Water Quality Objectives for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Mokelumne River from Camanche Reservoir to the Legal Delta Boundary
Putah Creek
Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta Legal Boundary and Major Tributaries
- Water Right Decision 1641 in the Matter of Implementation of Water Quality Objectives for the San Francisco Bay/Sacramento-San Joaquin Delta Estuary
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Sacramento-San Joaquin Bay Delta Legal Boundary and Major Tributaries
Silver Creek
- Water Right Decision #870 relating to Applications 12323, 12624 and 14963
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Silver Creek from Jaybird Powerhouse Intake Dam to Camino Reservoir Dam
- Silver Creek from Camino Dam to confluence with South Fork American River
- South Fork Silver Creek from Icehouse Dam to confluence with Silver Creek
Yuba River
- DeSabla-Centerville Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-803
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Yuba River from Englebright Dam to Daguerre Point
- Yuba Accord Fisheries Agreement
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Yuba River from Englebright Dam downstream to Daguerre Point Dam
- Yuba River from Daguerre Point Dam to confluence with Feather River
North Yuba River
- Deadwood Creek Project FERC License #P-6780
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Deadwood Creek from the Project Diversion Dam to Above its Confluence with North Yuba River
- Yuba River Project FERC License #P-2246
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Yuba River Below New Colgate Diversion Dam
Middle Yuba River
- Yuba River Project FERC License #P-2246
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Yuba River Below Our House Diversion Dam
- Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2266
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Yuba River from Jackson Meadows Sam to Milton Reservoir Dam
- Middle Yuba River from Milton Reservoir Sam to Our House Dam
South Yuba River
- Drum-Spaulding Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2310
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Yuba River from Spaulding Dam to confluence with Yuba River
- Yuba-Bear Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2266
Existing Flow Requirements:
Canyon Creek from Bowman Dam to confluence with South Yuba River
Canyon Creek from French Lake to Bowman Reservoir
Jackson Creek from Jackson Lake to Bowman Reservoir
North Central Coast
Lagunitas Creek
- Lagunitas Creek Water Right Order #95-17
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Lagunitas Creek Below Peters Dam on Kent Lake
Mill Creek
- Mill and Sulphur Creek Hydropower Project FERC License #P-6154
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Downstream of diversions on Mill Creek and Sulphur Creek
Russian River
- Russian River Project Water Right Decision 1610
- Warm Springs Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-3351
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Dry Creek Near the Mouth of Dry Creek
East Fork Russian River
- Power Canal Project FERC License #P-8936
Existing Flow Requirements:
- East Fork Russian River Powerhouse Canal
- Potter Valley Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-77
Existing Flow Requirements:
- East Fork Russian River from confluence with Powerhouse Canal to Lake Mendocino Dam
Martis Creek
- Trimont Water Company Water Right Decision #1342
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Unnamed tributary from Diversion Structure to confluence with Martis Creek
Rubicon River
- Water Right Decision #870 relating to Applications 12323, 12624 and 14963
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Rubicon River from Rubicon Reservoir Dam to Hellhole Reservoir Dam
- South Fork Rubicon River from Diversion to confluence with Rubicon River
- Outlet for Buck Island Lake from Buck Island Lake Dam to confluence with Rubicon River
- Gerle Creek from Loon Lake Dam to Gerle Creek Divide Reservoir Dam
Upper Truckee River
- El Dorado Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-184
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Echo Creek
- Sierra Nevada Water Company Water Right Decision #1200
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Upper Truckee River from Diversion Structure to confluence with Lake Tahoe
Little Truckee River
- Washoe Project Water Right Decision #913
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Little Truckee River from Stampede Reservoir Dam to Boca Reservoir
South Central Coast
San Gregorio Creek
- San Gregorio Creek Stream System Order of Determination #89-07
Existing Flow Requirements:
- San Gregorio Creek
San Joaquin
Merced River
Old River
- Los Vaqueros Project Water Right Decision 1629
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Kellogg Creek from Los Vaqueros Reservoir to the Legal Delta Boundary
Rush Creek
- Rush Creek Hydropower Project FERC License #P-1389
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Rush Creek from Gem Lake to Waugh Lake
San Joaquin River
- Biological Opinion on the Proposed Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
Existing Flow Requirements:
- San Joaquin River at Vernalis
- Big Creek No. 1 and No. 2 Project FERC License #P-2175
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Big Creek Below Huntington Lake Dam
- Big Creek No. 2A and No. 8 Project FERC License #P-67
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Pitman Creek Below Tunnel #7
- Bear Creek from Bear Creek Dam to its Confluence with South Fork San Joaquin River
- Big Creek Below Dam No. 5
- Bolsillo Creek Below Project Diversion Dam to its Confluence with South Fork San Joaquin River
- Camp 62 Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Chinquapin Creek Below the Diversion Dam to its Confluence with South Fork San Joaquin River
- Mono Creek from Mono Creek Dam to its Confluence with South Fork San Joaquin River
- Stevenson Creek Below Shaver Lake
- Big Creek No. 3 Project FERC License #P-120
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Big Creek from Dam No. 6 to Dam No. 7
- Big Creek No. 4 Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-2017
- Kerckhoff Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-96
Existing Flow Requirements:
- San Joaquin River in Bypass Reach of Kerckhoff Dam
- Mammoth Pool Project FERC License #P-2085
Existing Flow Requirements:
- San Joaquin River from Mammoth Pool Dam to Dam No. 6
South Fork San Joaquin River
- Big Creek No. 2A and No. 8 Project FERC License #P-67
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Fork San Joaquin River Below Florence Lake Dam
Stanislaus River
- Biological Opinion for Long-Term Operations of the Central Valley Project and State Water Project
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Stanislaus River Below Goodwin Dam
- Stanislaus River Below Goodwin Dam
- Stanislaus River Below Goodwin Dam
North Fork Stanislaus River
- North Fork Stanislaus River Hydropower Project FERC License #P-2409
Existing Flow Requirements:
- North Fork Stanislaus River from McKay’s Dam to confluence with Stanislaus River
- North Fork Stanislaus River from North Fork Diversion Dam to McKays Dam
- Beaver Creek from Beaver Creek Diversion Dam to confluence with North Fork Stanislaus River
- Highland Creek from Spicer Meadow Dam to confluence with North Fork Stanislaus River
- Utica Power Project Water Quality Certification #P-2699
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Angels Creek Below the Project Diversion Dam
- Mill Creek Below Hunters Dam
- Upper Utica Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-11563
Middle Fork Stanislaus River
- Spring Gap-Stanislaus Hydroelectric Project Order of Determination #2009-0039
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Fork Stanislaus River from Relief Dam to Donnells Reservoir
- Summit Creek from Relief Dam to Donnells Reservoir
- Middle Fork Stanislaus from Sand Bar Dam to its Confluence with Mainstem Stanislaus River
- Compliance Gage USGS 11293200 Middle Fork Stanislaus River Below Sand Bar Diversion Dam Near Avery
- Sand Bar Water Power Project FERC License #P-2975
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Fork Stanislaus River Below Beardsley Afterbay Dam
- Tri-Dam and Beardsley/Donnells Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-2005
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Middle Fork Stanislaus River from Donnells Dam to Beardsley Dam
South Fork Stanislaus River
- Phoenix Hydroelectric Project FERC License #P-1061
Existing Flow Requirements:
- South Fork Stanislaus River Below Lyons Dam
- Spring Gap-Stanislaus Hydroelectric Project Order of Determination #2009-0039
Tuolumne River
- New Don Pedro Project FERC License #P-2299
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Tuolumne River Below Don Pedro Dam at La Grange Bridge
Willow Creek
Bishop Creek
- Bishop Creek Hydropower Project FERC License #P-1394
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bishop Creek from Plant 2 (Intake 3) to Plant 3 (Intake 4)
- Bishop Creek from Plant 3 (Intake 4) to Plant 4 (Intake 5)
- Bishop Creek downstream of Plant 4 (Intake 5)
- Middle Fork Bishop Creek from Lake Sabrina to Intake 2
- Middle Fork Bishop Creek downstream of Intake 2
- South Fork Bishop Creek from South Lake to South Fork Diversion
- South Fork Bishop Creek downstream of South Fork Diversion
- McGee Creek from McGee Creek Diversion to confluence with Horton Creek
- Birch Creek from Birch Creek Diversion to confluence with McGee Creek
Lee Vining Creek
- Lee Vining Hydroelectric Project FERC License # P-1388
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Lee Vining Creek from Saddlebag Lake Dam to Ellery Lake Dam
Mammoth Creek
- Water Right Order #97-01 to Amend Water Right Permit 17332 and License 5715
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Mammoth Creek from Lake Mary Dam to its Confluence with Hot Creek
Mill Creek
- Lundy Hydropower Project FERC License # P-1390
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Mill Creek in the Bypass Reach below Lundy Lake Dam
Pine Creek
- Tungstar Project FERC License #P-7267
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Morgan Creek Below the Project Point of Diversion
- Pine Creek Below its Confluence with Morgan Creek
Kaweah River
- Kaweah Project FERC License # P-298
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Kaweah River in Bypass Reach
- East Fork Kaweah River in Bypass Reach from the diversion structure to confluence with Kaweah River
Kern River
- Kern Canyon Hydroelectric Project Water Quality Certification #P-178
- Kern River No. 1 Hydropower Project FERC License #P-1930
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Kern River in Bypass reach from Democrat Dam to Powerhouse
- Kern River No. 3 Hydropower Project FERC License #P-2290
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Kern River from Fairview Dam to Powerhouse
Kings River
- Pine Flat Project FERC License #P-2741
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Kings River Below Pine Flat Dam
North Fork Kings River
- Balch Project FERC License #P-175
- Helms Pumped Storage Project FERC License #P-2735
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Helms Creek Below Courtwright Reservoir
- North Fork Kings River from Wishon Reservoir to Black Rock Reservoir Dam
Tule River
- Tule River Project FERC License #P-1333
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Tule River from Doyle Springs Diversion Dam to Tule Diversion Dam
- Tule River Below the Tule Diversion Dam
Middle Fork Tule River
South Coast
Piru Creek
- California Aqueduct Project Water Quality Order #2009-0007
- Santa Felicia Hydroelectric Dam Project Water Quality Certification #P-2153
Santa Ana River
- Santa Ana River 1 & 3 Project Water Quality Certification #P-1933
- Water Right Order 2008-0007 Approving Petition to Modify Order WR 95-4
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Bear Creek Below Bear Valley Reservoir to 500 ft Below its Confluence with West Cub Creek
Ventura River
- Biological Opinion for Robles Fish Passage Facility Project
Existing Flow Requirements:
- Ventura River from Robles Dam to Pacific Ocean
South Eastern Desert
No Existing Flow Requirements