Water Loss Control
California Water Code Section 10608.34 required the State Water Board to develop water loss performance standards for urban retail water suppliers. Executive Orders B-37-16 and B-40-17 direct the State Water Board and Department of Water Resources (DWR) to minimize water waste through system leaks.
Water loss performance standards were developed through a rulemaking that became effective in 2023. Details are below.
As part of a proposed water conservation regulation, urban retail water suppliers - not individual households or businesses - will be held to "urban water use objectives." An urban water use objective is the sum of standard-based budgets for a subset of water uses, such as residential outdoor use.
Read more about how urban retail water suppliers would calculate customized urban water use objectives.

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Water Loss Model, Standards, and Questionnaires
Updated Water Loss Model (Released September 2, 2022)
Model Equation Changes (Released September 2, 2022)
Individual System Water Loss Standards (Released April 9, 2024)
Leak Registry
Urban retail water suppliers are required to submit a registry of breaks, repairs and estimated water losses to the State Water Resources Control Board every three years. The first registry contains the three years of data between calendar year 2025 and 2027 and is due by January 1, 2029. DRAFT Leak Registry Specifications
Urban retail water suppliers are required to complete questionnaires administered by the State Water Resource Control Board (California Code of Regulations, title 23, division 3, chapter 3.5, section 983). The deadline for submitting the data quality and pressure management questionnaires has been extended to December 31, 2023. If a supplier has multiple systems, it must complete this questionnaire once for each system.
This system-level questionnaire asks for information on flow testing of production meters, electronic calibration, flow testing of customer meters.
A summary of the questions in the data quality questionnaire is available here
Pressure Management Questionnaire
This system-level questionnaire asks for information on pressure control devices and high leakage zones.
A summary of the questions in the pressure management questionnaire is available here
The Data Quality Excel Submission is a component of the Data Quality Questionnaire. Please refer to the Data Quality Questionnaire for instructions regarding the Data Quality Excel Submission.
Asset Management Questionnaire
This system-level questionnaire asks for information on distribution infrastructure leak records maintenance and replacement prioritization.
A summary of the questions in the asset management questionnaire is available here

Default Parameter Adjustments
Directions for Updating Default Parameters
Default parameters in the Economic model may be updated to incorporate supplier-specific information. Additionally, suppliers may request to remove outlier values. Supplier must provide an explanation for default parameters submitted after July 1, 2023. We are asking that suppliers submit requests as soon as possible. An updated guidance document is available for reference.
A reference document for outlier values is available here.
A reference document for economic model inputs is available here.
To submit a request, please email DDW-WaterLossControl@waterboards.ca.gov
Fact Sheets
Please refer to the Frequently Asked Questions document for questions related to the water loss standards and regulation
Please refer to the presentation from the October 2022 board hearing for a summary of the water loss regulation and changes that were made during the rulemaking process.
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Pre-rulemaking Meetings and Workshops
April 15, 2021 - Updated Economic Model
Memo for Economic Model Release
Revised Economic Model
March 24, 2021 - Public Stakeholder Webinar
Documents for March 24 Staff Workshop on Water Loss
Attached are the peer reviews and a staff summary that will be discussed at the workshop on March 24 from 1:00pm-3:00pm. For questions about these documents or the workshop, please contact Bethany Robinson at Bethany.Robinson@waterboards.ca.gov
Water Loss Staff Summary of Peer Reviews
Water Loss Peer Reviews
December 16, 2020 - Public Stakeholder Webinar
Revised Economic Model: Water Loss Performance Standards
Revised Regulatory Proposal and Process: Water Loss Performance Standards
Reference materials:
- Fact sheet with overview of regulatory proposal and timeline
- Draft economic model to calculate water loss standards
- Summary of changes to economic model
- Draft Guidance to draft economic model
- Draft proposed water loss standards using default values in economic model
- Questionnaires on:
- Draft regulatory text
- Proposed alternative compliance pathway for existing low loss
- Draft Initial Statement of Reasons
May 13, 2020 - Public Stakeholder Webinar
Agenda | Revised Notice (Comment period extended to June 12, 2020) | Notice
Voluntary questionnaire for additional information on water loss audits
The purpose of the voluntary questionnaire is to support the State Water Board's efforts towards assessing and establishing the reliability of and confidence in the water loss estimates reported in the water loss audits.
Materials for comment:
- Proposed Water Loss Performance Standards: Overview and Timeline
Draft economic model for calculating volumetric standards (second version)
(The model contains proposed default values for inputs and uses example values for supplier-specific input values from water loss audits - see item 6 for all values) - Questionnaires for data submission requirements of the proposal on:
- Overview of proposed off-ramp provision
- Summary of current leakage and proposed draft volumetric standards for urban retail water suppliers
- Input values from water loss audits used to calculate proposed draft standards
September 23, 2019 - Public Stakeholder Meeting #6
Agenda | Revised Notice | Notice
Reference material for the workshop was circulated through State Water Board's conservation list serve. Sign up for the email list at https://www.waterboards.ca.gov/resources/email_subscriptions/swrcb_subscribe.html
June 7, 2019 - Public Stakeholder Meeting #5, Sacramento
Materials for workshop (Uploaded June 11, 2019): The uploaded materials are documents that were shared during or prior to the workshop. The following materials are subject to changes based on stakeholder input, as the stakeholder process is ongoing.
- Overview of framework
- Reference document describing preliminary assumptions and proposals for standard development
- Initial assumptions and considerations for calculations of benefits and costs for the economic model
- Calculation of standards, overview of compliance requirements and low water loss values
- Adjustments and variance process
February 1 and 4, 2019 - Public Stakeholder Meetings #4, Sacramento and Chino
The uploaded materials are documents that were shared during or prior to the workshop. The following materials are subject to changes based on stakeholder input, as the stakeholder process is ongoing.
- Staff proposal for framework of water loss performance standards
- Staff presentations:
Framework overview | Adjustments and Compliance | Economic basis
September 17, 2018 - Public Stakeholder Meeting #3, Los Angeles
- Avoided Cost of Water, State Water Resources Control Board
- IRWD’s Water Loss Control Programs and Cost-Effectiveness, Irvine Ranch Water District
- Water Loss Control in Los Angeles, LA Department of Water & Power
- Overview of Life Cycle Cost Assessment: Case Study of LCA Alternatives Assessment of Lead-Free Cast Brass for the Potable Water Supply Components, University of California Los Angeles
June 1, 2018 - Public Stakeholder Meeting #2
- Monitoring and Estimation Technologies | Pressure management | Technology-Constraint Matrix, State Water Resources Control Board
- Machine learning and Pipeline Replacement Prioritization, East Bay Municipal Utility District
March 9, 2018 - Public Stakeholder Meeting #1, Sacramento
- Water audit data and topics, State Water Resources Control Board
- Water Loss TAP findings, WSO