The Office of Enforcement - Special Investigations Unit (SIU)
On behalf of the Regional Boards and the Division of Drinking Water, SIU investigates suspected instances of illegal discharges, pollution, or permit violations for facilities across the state. Thanks to the scientific excellence of its members, SIU is able to assist with investigations across multiple program areas. SIU is also able to provide technical expertise in settlement negotiations and expert testimony during hearings. Additionally, SIU undertakes unique enforcement projects for the State Water Board's Executive Director and conducts a biennial enforcement training, which includes both practical and theoretical topics related to enforcement.Programs
SIU provides technical guidance, and enforcement assistance for regional boards and the Division of Drinking Water.- Sanitary Sewer Overflow Reduction: Enforces Sanitary Sewer Systems Waste Discharge Requirements. Technical support for system compliance evaluations, inspections, and audits.
- Stormwater: Offers technical support for site inspections, compliance, and enforces stormwater general permits including construction, industrial, municipal, and Caltrans permits.
- Wastewater Treatment: Provides technical expertise for routine facility compliance, and evaluates chronic problems, illegal discharges, or operational issues.
- Office of Operator Certification: Enforces drinking water treatment, drinking water distribution, and wastewater treatment facility operator regulations. Investigations include operator misconduct, plant operator misclassification, and expired certificates.
- Division of Water Rights: Assists and provides technical support for emergency drought inspections and investigations.
- Water Conservation: Leads enforcement of the emergency conservation regulations.
Contact Information:
To file an environment concern, please use the CalEPA Environmental Complaint System.
Tomas Eggers, SIU Supervisor