Site Cleanup Subaccount Program

The Site Cleanup Subaccount Program (SCAP) is a funding program established by Health & Safety Code Section 25299.50.6 in 2014. It allows the State Water Resources Control Board (State Water Board) to issue grants for reasonable and necessary costs associated with projects that investigate the source of surface or groundwater contamination and/or remediate the harm or threat of harm to human health, safety, or the environment caused by existing or threatened surface or groundwater contamination.

Please familiarize yourself with the content on this page before contacting us about your project.

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  Program Details

Eligible Applicants
  • Applicants with eligible projects
Eligible Projects
  • Remediate the harm or threat of harm to human health, safety, and the environment from surface water or groundwater contamination
  • A regulatory agency has issued a directive (unless this is infeasible)
  • The responsible party lacks financial resources
  • Projects may include site characterization, source identification, or implementation of cleanup
  • Significant threat to human health or the environment
  • Disadvantaged or small community impact
  • Cost and environmental benefit of project
  • Lack of availability of other sources of funds
  • Other information the State Water Board identifies as necessary for consideration.
    Consistent with State Water Board Resolution No. 2021-0050 and the Racial Equity Action Plan, the State Water Board considers environmental justice by evaluating the most recent CalEnviroScreen score for the project location.
Funding Limits
  • There are no funding request limits
  • There is no cost match required
Funding Mechanisms
  • Grants and contracts approved by the Deputy Director
  • Continuous Pre-Application process – no deadlines
Program Funding
  • Annual appropriations of $34 million

Applying for Groundwater Quality Funding

Financial Assistance Application Submittal Tool (FAAST)

To apply for the Site Cleanup Subaccount Program, applicants must fill out a Groundwater Quality Funding Program - SCAP application via FAAST (see the link provided below). Program staff will review all submitted Groundwater Quality Funding Program -SCAP applications and evaluate potential program eligibility. Before starting your application, browse through the links provided on this page. Application instructions and a sample application provide specific information about the information we request. The more complete and specific the information in the application is, the better – it means our staff can start reviewing your project right away. Please note that there is no deadline for submitting an application, and no final application, for SCAP.

NOTE: The Groundwater Quality Funding Program – SCAP application is for the SCAP program only. If you wish to apply for the Proposition 1 Groundwater Grant Program (Prop 1 GWGP), there is a separate solicitation process. Find out more on the Prop 1 GWGP webpage.

  Stay Informed

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Contact Us

For further information, contact us at with "SCAP" in the subject line.

Phone: (800) 813-FUND (or 800-813-3863)