Land Disposal Program
Program & Technical Notes
Program Notes
- Land Disposal Program Note #6: Federal MSW Requirements Missing From, or More Stringent Than, Land Disposal (September 16, 1993).
- Land Disposal Program Note #7 (UPDATED): Suggested Laboratory Methods for Analyzing Appendix I and Appendix II Constituents (August 2, 1993).
- Land Disposal Program Note #8: Management of Petroleum Contaminated Soils (November 18, 1993).
- Land Disposal Program Note #9: Water Code Enforcement Authority (January 11, 1994).
- Land Disposal Program Note #12: Expediting Conditional Waiver of WDRs and ROWD for Certain Discharges (April 4, 1994).
- Land Disposal Program Note #15: Statistical Software Packages Applicable for Use at MSW Landfills, without Site-Specific Review and Acceptance (November 10, 1994).
Technical Notes
- Land Disposal Technical Note #6: Liner Leakage versus Waste Containment (August 5, 1993 revision, with addendum and with letter of agreement by Rudolph Bonaparte).
- Land Disposal Technical Note #7: Foams as Alternative Daily Covers for Unlined Class III Landfills (July 22, 1993).
- Land Disposal Technical Note #8: Corrective Action Coverage Known or Reasonably Foreseeable, Whichever is Greater (December 2, 1993).