Ocean Standards - CWA §316(b) Regulation
Thermal Discharges - Cooling Water Intake Structures
The following documents include correspondence, reports, and other documents regarding power plants subject to the Once-Through Cooling Policy
- Dynegy:
- NRG Energy:
- Signed Settlement 2014 NRG Energy
- ES Southland LLC:
- Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (LADWP):
- November 4, 2014 Submittal of Entrainment and Impingement Technologies Evaluation Reports for Haynes and Harbor
- 2012 Information Request-
- Cover letter
- Attachment 1: 2012 Integrated Resource Plan (2012 IRP)
- Attachment 2: 2021 (sic) Local Capacity Technical Analysis – REDACTED VERSION
- Attachment 3: Transmission Reliability Assessment for Summer 2012 – REDACTED
- Attachment 4: 2012 Grid Reliability Report – REDACTED VERSION
- December 20, 2012 – SWRCB response to Agreement and Clarification letter
- November 7, 2012 – LADWP Agreement and Clarification letter
- July 10, 2012 – SWRCB Information Request
- June 4, 2012 – LADWP follow up to draft information request
- May 8, 2012 - LADWP response to draft information request
Questions or Comments
- Permitting Issues - Renan Jauregui or phone (916) 341-5505
- Policy Issues - Katherine Walsh or phone (916) 445-2317