Ocean Standards - CWA §316(b) Regulation
Thermal Discharges - Cooling Water Intake Structures
Power Plants That Are Affected
The Policy is implemented through National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits for coastal and estuarine power plants. The applicable Regional Water Boards are responsible for implementing the Policy requirements in NPDES permits for existing coastal and estuarine power plants. The water boards determine requirements to implement best technology available for cooling water intake structures to be included in the permits. State Water Board staff provides technical support to the Regional Water Boards to ensure a high level of statewide consistency in implementing the Policy.
Quick Links
Map Showing Location of the Once-Through Cooling Power Plants
Questions or Comments
- Permitting Issues - email Renan Jauregui or phone (916) 341-5505
- Policy Issues - email Julie Johnson or phone (916) 341-5687
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