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GeoTracker Vapor Intrusion Database

California Vapor Intrusion GeoTracker Database

Vapor Intrusion is a complex, highly variable science. A robust empirical dataset is needed to help us better understand vapor behavior.

GeoTracker Database

Enviromental Cleanup Information for GeoTracker

Webinar on GeoTracker Electronic Submittal of Information Compliance for Site Cleanup Program Regulated Community

This video is for interested parties to learn about the electronic submittal of information (ESI) requirements, submittal types and the process for uploading information into the State Water Resources Control Board’s online data management system, GeoTracker. Information is uploaded through the GeoTracker ESI Portal. In addition, the webinar provides live demonstrations of tools and features in the ESI Portal and how the uploaded information is viewable on the public GeoTracker webpage.

Guidance on Uploading Vapor Data into GeoTracker

Tutorial Video on Uploading Vapor Data Into GeoTracker

This video is a tutorial on how to navigate and input vapor intrusion related information into GeoTracker Electronic Submittal of Information Portal. The video provides background on the vapor intrusion database, how to upload field point data and create building profiles, as well as how to navigate in the portal to upload tools related to vapor intrusion information.

State Water Board YouTube Website:

Guidance on Uploading Vapor Data into GeoTracker

This document provides instruction on how to input relevant vapor intrusion information used in a vapor intrusion assessment into the GeoTracker database.

ESI Login

ESI Information Page

GeoTracker Help Desk

State Water Resources Control Board 866-480-1028

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