STORMS Projects
The Stormwater Strategy identifies six necessary objectives necessary to achieving STORMS' vision for a future where stormwater is sustainably managed and utilized, which guide which projects we select. Below is a table of current Phase II projects and previously completed projects.

Current Projects
Project |
Urban Pesticides Provisions Development of a statewide policy for urban pesticides in stormwater. The policy would include mandates for community outreach and municipal integrated pest management (IPM), establish the implementation framework for an adaptive Statewide Urban Pesticides Monitoring Program, and establish how data generated by the Provisions might be used. |
Standardizing Cost Reporting in Municipal Stormwater Permits Development of model permit language for Phase I & II MS4 permits to assist in the tracking of true costs of permit implementation. Proposed new permit requirements will require MS4 permittees to consistently estimate, track, and report costs that are directly related to MS4 permit implementation. |
Site-Specific Water Quality Objectives for Copper and Zinc Adoption of a State Policy that would establish protocols and procedures to support the development of site-specific objectives (SQO) for copper and zinc, and policy of implementation applicable to fresh-surface waters of California. The Provisions aim to provide consistent protection of aquatic life beneficial uses in waters throughout the state and protect aquatic habitats and biological life from the effects of copper and zinc. |
Urban Stormwater Infiltration Policy Development of a water quality control policy for infiltration of urban runoff to create statewide consistency. Language and baseline requirements would be developed for incorporation into MS4 Permits. |
Stormwater Volume Methodologies Creation of a GIS story map that presents annual estimates of storm water capture potential in California and discusses current and future efforts involved with capturing storm water. |
Adaptive Management Guidance Development of statewide flexible, comprehensive, best-practices guidance for designing Alternative Compliance Pathways (ACP) monitoring programs. By interpreting the data generated by these programs, managers can use adaptive management decision criteria to address specific scenarios or questions towards long-term water quality objective goals. |
Evaluate and Increase Permit Compliance Development of guidance materials for storm water permit compliance evaluation. Additionally, this project would identify further resources for conducting focused program audits and compliance inspections to deter noncompliance, which would support implementation requirements developed in Storm Water Program permits. |
Prior Projects
- 1a. Promote Storm Water Capture and Use & 1b. Identify and Eliminate Barriers to Storm Water Capture and Use
- 3a. Develop Guidance for Alternative & 3b. Develop Watershed-Based Compliance and Management Guidelines and Tools
- 4a. Implement Senate Bill 985 - Incorporate Principles of Storm Water Resource Plan Guidelines into Storm Water Programs
- 4b. Eliminate Barriers to Funding Storm Water Programs and Identify Funding for Storm Water Capture and Use Projects
- 5a. Create Storm Water Program Data and Information "Open Data"
- 6b. Identify Opportunities for Source Control and Pollution Prevention
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Contact Information
Stormwater Planning Unit
State Water Resources Control Board
1001 I Street, 15th Floor
Sacramento, CA 95814