AB 982 (Ducheny)
- Section
1: Title
The name of this advisory body shall be the AB 982 Public Advisory Group (PAG). - Section 2: Purpose
The PAG shall provide advice to the State Water Resources Control Board (SWRCB) to assist in the evaluation of program structure and effectiveness in matters related to the implementation of Clean Water Act Section 303(d) requirements and other applicable federal regulations, as well as other monitoring and assessment programs. The PAG will provide advice on the implementation of AB 982 (attached).
- Section
1: Title
- Section 1: Authority
The PAG is formed pursuant to Section 13191 of the Water Code.
- Section 1: Authority
- Section 1: Number/Composition of Members
The PAG shall be composed of 24 members. There will be 12 members from the regulated community and 12 members from the environmental community. Each member shall designate an alternate. The alternate shall act as the member in the absence of the primary member.As stated in Section 13191 of the Water Code, "... the advisory group shall be comprised of persons concerned with the requirements of Section 303(d) of the Clean Water Act." Members shall represent a cross section of interested groups. The PAG members shall be appointed by the SWRCB.
- Section 2: Selection of Members
The SWRCB shall appoint PAG members and alternates. The PAG may make recommendations for dismissal of members for good cause and/or appointment of new members or alternates from time to time when positions become vacant. The regulated community members shall make recommendations for any vacant regulated community positions. The environmental community members shall make recommendations for any vacant environmental community positions.
- Section 3: Reimbursement of Expenses
If needed, members or their designated alternate shall be reimbursed for any actual expenses incurred to attend a regularly scheduled PAG meeting, including travel and per diem that have received advance approval by the SWRCB. Reimbursement shall be in accordance with prevailing State of California guidelines, procedures, and per diem limits. - ARTICLE IV: MEETINGS, LOGISTICS, AND ADMINISTRATION
- Section 1: Regular Meetings
The PAG shall meet at least quarterly over the course of the program. More frequent meetings may be scheduled, if needed. All meetings shall be notified publicly and open to the public.
- Section 2: Attendance
Members should attend every meeting or arrange for alternates to attend on their behalf. Members should notify the SWRCB staff in advance of any meeting if the member will not be present.
- Section 3: Summary of PAG Actions or Recommendations
Summaries of PAG Actions or Recommendations shall be recorded at all meetings by SWRCB staff, and draft copies shall be distributed to members and made available to the public within a week after the meeting. The previous meeting summary shall be reviewed and adopted at the start of the current meeting.
- Section 4: Quorum
The presence of half of the members plus one constitutes a quorum. Proxy votes do not count towards the quorum count.
- Section 5: Parliamentary Authority
Robert's Rules of Order shall govern the activities of the PAG in all cases where applicable, and where those rules are not in conflict with these Operating Procedures.
- Section 6: Agendas
The PAG's agendas shall be developed by the general membership cooperatively with the SWRCB staff in order to make timely comments on the reports required by AB 982. Standing agenda items are: (1) meeting summary approval, and (2) public forum (at the end of the agenda).
- Section 1: Consensus
The Policy of the PAG is to seek consensus on all issues and recommendations. The members of the Public Advisory Group intend that PAG meetings foster new ideas, open dialogue, and constructive debate about often contentious issues. It is understood that, as a part of this process, comments made by a PAG member during PAG discussions may not always represent the views of the organization represented by the member.
- Section 2: Voting
When consensus is not reached, the PAG may vote on issues and recommendations. Each PAG member or alternate shall cast one vote. Alternates shall not vote if a member is present. Minority and majority positions may be submitted to the SWRCB. Written proxy votes are allowed if a member and the alternate are absent. A member or alternate may render their proxy to another member or alternate twice in six consecutive meetings.
- Section 1: Co-Chairs
The PAG shall elect Co-Chairs from its membership. The responsibilities of the Co-Chairs shall include:
- Preside at all meetings, maintain order and create an environment where all members\' input is solicited and respected. The Co-Chairs shall alternate presiding at meetings.
- The Co-Chairs shall represent the PAG to the SWRCB.
- Section 2: Election of Co-Chairs
The Co-Chairs of the Group shall be elected annually. The Co-Chairs shall be elected by a vote of the members present.
- Section 1: Co-Chairs
- Section 1: Resignation
A member desiring to resign shall submit a written resignation to the SWRCB Executive Director.
- Section 1: Resignation
- Section 1: Submission
Proposed amendments to the Operating Procedures may be submitted in writing to the Co-Chairs and will be distributed to the members and the public. The proposed amendments will be discussed at the next scheduled meeting of the PAG. If consensus on the proposed amendments is not reached, the proposed amendments will be voted upon at a subsequent meeting.
- Section 2: Approval
Proposed amendments to the Operating Procedures shall be approved by a two-thirds majority of the PAG. Proposed amendments to the operating procedures become effective by approval of the SWRCB.
- Section 1: Submission
- Section 1: SWRCB Staff
The SWRCB shall provide a staff liaison for the PAG and shall staff the work of the PAG adequately.
- Section 1: SWRCB Staff