Hearings Program
Imperial Irrigation District – Long Term Transfer
June 2002
Abbreviations and Acronyms
1.0 Introduction
- 1.1 Overview of the Final EIR/EIS
- 1.2 Environmental Review Process
- 1.3 Report Organization of the final EIR/EIS
- 1.4 Evolution of the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project
- 1.5 Environmentally Superior Alternative
- 1.6 CEQA/NEPA Compliance
2.0 List of Commenters
- 2.1 - Written and Oral Comments and Responses
- 2.2 - Federal Agencies
- 2.3 - State Agencies
- 2.4 - Regional Agencies
- 2.5 - Local Agencies
- 2.6 - Tribes
- 2.7 - Groups
- 2.8 - Citizens
- 2.9 - Public Hearings
3.0 Master Responses
Hydrology- 3.1 - Selenium Mitigation
- 3.2 - Water Transfers to CVWD (QSA Implementation Scenario)
- 3.3 - Development of the Baseline
- 3.4 - TMDLs
- 3.5 - Approach to Salton Sea Habitat Conservation Strategy
- 3.6 - Impact Determination for Fish in the Salton Sea
- 3.7 - Timing of Implementation of Biological Mitigation Measures
- 3.8 - Mitigation for Salton Sea Sport Fishery
- 3.9 - Salton Sea Air Quality Monitoring and Mitigation Plan
- 3.10 - Air Quality Issue Associated with Fallowing
- 3.11 - Emissions from Construction of Conservation Measures
- 3.12 - Aggregate Emissions from the Salton Sea, Fallowing, and Construction
- 3.13 - Health Effects Associated with Dust Emissions
- 3.14 - Applicability of General Conformity Requirements to the Proposed Project or Alernatives
- 3.15 - Consistency with the State Implementation Plan for PM10
- 3.16 - Wind Conditions at the Salton Sea
- 3.17 - Property Values and fiscal Impact Estimates
- 3.18 - Crop Type Assumptions for Socioeconomic Analysis of Fallowing
- 3.19 - Cumulative Impacts
- 3.20 - Growth Inducement Analysis
- 3.21 - Desalinatiion and Water Conservation in SDCWA Service Area
- 3.22 - Relationship Between the Proposed Project and Salton Sea Restoration Project
- 3.23 - Relationship Between the Proposed Project and the QSA, IA, IOP, and CVWD Groundwater Management Plan
4.0 Errata
5.0 Responses to Public Comments Received on Draft EIR/EIS
- 5.1 - Federal Agencies
- 5.2 - State Agencies
- 5.3 - Regional Agencies
- 5.4 - Local Agencies
- 5.5 - Tribes
- 5.6 - Groups and Organizations
- 5.7 - Citizens
- 5.8 - Public Hearings
6.0 References
- A - Habitat Conservation Plan
- B - SDCWA, Urban Management Plan
- C - Stapleton Testimony
- D - Proposition C Text
- E - 1992 Memo of Agreement
- F - SANDAG Growth Management Strategy
- G - SANDAG 2020 Regional Forecast
- H - SANDAG and SDCWA Forecasting
- I - IIDSS Model Overview
List of Tables
- 1-1 - Proposed Project Elevation, Salinity and Exposed area
- 1-2 - Summary of Salton Sea Habitat Conservation Strategy (HCP 2) on ProjectImpacts Associated with the Salton Sea
- 2-1 - Description of Group Categories
- 3.1-1 - Average Historical, Baseline, and Proposed Project Values for Selenium Concentrations (µg/L)
- 3.1-2 - Average Historical, Baseline and Proposed Project Values for the Proportion of Tilewater at the Rivers’ Outlets (percentage)
- 3.1-3 - Comparison Between Mass Balance Estimates of Mean Selenium Concentration at the Outlet of the New River
- 3.1-4 - Comparison Between Mass Balance Estimates of Mean Selenium Concentration at the Outlet of the Alamo River
- 3.2-1 - Introduction and Background
- 3.3-1 - Sensitivity Analysis of Key Baseline Assumptions
- 3.9-1 - Comparison of wind-speed frequency at 10 m above the ground surface for Salton Sea and Owens Lake
- 3.12-1 - Timing of PM10 Emission Source
- 3.16-a - Comparison of wind speed frequency at 10 m above the ground surface for Salton Sea and Owens Lake, Year 2000
- 3.16-1 - Wind Frequency Distribution for Niland, California – Year 2000
- 3.16-2 - Wind Frequency Distribution for Niland, California – Year 2001
- 3.16-3 - Wind Frequency Distribution for Owens Lake, California – Year 2000
- 3.17-1 - Imperial County Sales Tax Impacts of Proposed Project B ($ millions per year)
- 3.17-2 - Imperial County Sales Tax Impacts of Proposed Project D ($ millions per year)
- 3.18-1 - Pro Forma Cropping Cycle Patterns
- 3.18-2 - Comparative impact of fallowing individual crop categories relative to fallowing the full cropping pattern
- 3.21-1 - Best Management Practices for Urban Water Conservation in California
- 3.21-2 - Potential Water Conservation Savings Through 2020 Within SDCWA Service Area
- 3.21-3 - Programs to Encourage Recycled Water Use
- 3.21-4 - Projected Recycled Water Use
- 1.1 (Page 1-7) Bathymetric Elevations at the Salton Sea for the Proposed Project
- 3.5-1 (Page 3-2) Salinity Projections in the Salton Sea Under the Baseline
- 3.5-2 (Page 3-3) Projected Mean Elevation of the Slton Sea Under Proposed Project and the Baseline
- 3.9-1 (Page 3-49) Relative abundance of major cations and anions at Salton Sea (Bertram Station,1996-2001) and in subsurface drainage water at Owens Lake (Agrarian andTree Rows sites, October 1998). Abundance for cations (sodium, calcium,magnesium, and potassium) is given as a percentage of the total cations, andfor anions (chloride, carbonate, bicarbonate, and sulfate) as a percentage oftotal anions (milliequivalents/liter)
- 3.16-1 (Page 3-73) Wind rose for Niland, California - Year 2000
- 3.16-2 (Page 3-77) Wind rose for Niland, California - Year 2001
- 3.16-3 (Page 3-81) Wind rose for Owens Lake, California - Year 2000
- 3.21-1 (Page 3-109) Treatment Plant Average Effluenent - TDS (MG/L)
- 3.21-2 (Page 3-113) San Diego County Wastewater Treatment and Water Recycling Facilities
Abbreviations and Acronyms