Hearings Program

Imperial Irrigation District – Long Term Transfer


Exhibit No. Description
Exhibit 1 Salton Sea – California’s Everglades (The Redlands Institute, April 2002)
Exhibit 2 Archeological Investigations at a Proto-Historic Fish Camp on the Receding Shoreline of Ancient Lake Cahuilla, Imperial County, CA – Jerry Schaefer, Ph.D. (ASM Affiliates, June 2000) [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 3
  • "The Salton Sea" – A Study of the Geography, the Geology, the Floristics, and the Ecology of a Desert Basin – D.T. MacDougal
  • “The Cahuilla Basin and Desert of the Colorado” – William Phipps Blake
  • “Geographical Features of the Cahuilla Basin” – Godfrey Sykes
  • “Sketch of the Geology and Soils of the Cahuilla Basin” – E. E. Free (Carnegie Institution of Washington, D.C., 1914)
  • [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 4
  • The Imperial Valley and The Salton Sink – H. T. Cory
  • “Part I. Sketch of the Region at the Head of the Gulf of California – A Review and History,”  Ch. III “Lake Cahuilla” – William P. Blake, pp. 17-21
  • “Part II. Some Scientific Facts of General Interest About the Salton Sea,” Ch. II “Geographical Features of the Cahuilla Basin” – Godfrey Sykes, pp. 42-48
  • [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 5 Archaelogical Invetigations at CA-RIV-1179, CA-RIV-2823, and CA-RIV-2827, La Quinta, Riverside County, California, “Chapter 1.  The Natural and Cultural Environment,” Philip J. Wilke (Coyote Press Archives of California Prehistory, No. 20 1988) [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 6 Historic Salton Sea and Imperial Irrigation District (Imperial Irrigation District, 5th Printing 1966) [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 7 Salt Dreams: Land & Water in Low-Down California, excerpted “Chapter 4 Memories of Seas,” pp. 48-59, “Chapter 5 Loomings,” pp. 63-70, “Chapter 10 The Delta Hung Out to Dry,” pp. 135-136, and Notes to Chapters 4, 5, & 10 – William deBuys and Joan Myers [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 8 Buckles & Krantz, “Reconstruction of Prehistoric Shorelines for Cultural Restraints Using GIS” (Salton Sea Database Program, University of Redlands) [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 9 Laylander, The Last Days of Lake Cahuilla: The Elmore Site  (Pacific Coast Archaeological Society Quarterly, Volume 33, Numbers 1 & 2, Winter and Spring 1997) [Served with Audubon exhibits]
Exhibit 10 Reconnaissance of the Biological Limnology of the Salton Sea
Exhibit 11 Reconnaissance of the Microbial (Bacterial and Viral) Pathogens of the Salton Sea
Exhibit 12 Analysis of Avian Species Abundance Distribution Using Christmas Bird Count Data
Exhibit 13 The Desert Pupfish of the Salton Sea:  A Synthesis
Exhibit 14 Final Report:  Fish Biology and Fisheries Ecology of the Salton Sea
Exhibit 15 Salinity Tolerance of the Cocepod Apocyclops dengizicus (Lepschkin, 1900), a Key Food Chain Organismin the Salton Sea, California [Served with Defenders exhibits]
Exhibit 16 Is the Absense of Artemia Determined by the Presence of Predators or by Lower Salinity in Some Saline Waters? [Served with Defenders exhibits]
Exhibit 17 Salinity Thresholds, Lake Size, and History: A Critique of the NAS and CORI Reports on Mono Lake [Served with Defenders exhibits]
Exhibit 18 Reviews in Fisheries Science:  Volume 9, Issue 4, 2001, pp 239-269 [Served with Defenders exhibits]
Exhibit 18a The Benthic Invertebrates of the Salton Sea: Distribution and Seasonal Dynamics. [Served with Defenders exhibits]
Exhibit 19 Owens Dry Lake:  A Human Induced Dust Problem.
Exhibit 20 Environmental Reconnaisance of the Salton Sea: Sediment Contaminants, Riverside and Imperial Counties, California
Exhibit 21 Statement of Qualifications – Tim Krantz.
Exhibit 22 Written Testimony of Tim Krantz
Exhibit 23 Statement of Qualifications of Stuart Hurlbert
Exhibit 24 Written Testimony of Stuart Hurlbert.
Exhibit 25 Powerpoint Presentation of Stuart Hurlbert.
Exhibit 26 Written Testimony of Steve Horvitz
Exhibit 26a Powerpoint Presentation of Steve Horvitz
Exhibit 27 Statement of Qualifications of Richard Vogl
Exhibit 28 Written Testimony of Richard Vogl
Exhibit 29 Independant Analysis of the Economic Impact Studies in the IID Water Conservation and Transfer Project EIR/EIS
Exhibit 30 Imperial Irrigation District’s Community Advisory Commission Majority Report
Exhibit 31 Regional Economic Impacts of the Palo Verde Test Land Fallowing Program
Exhibit 32 Palo Verde Test Land Fallowing Program - Final Report
Exhibit 33 Salton Sea meteorology data
Exhibit 34 Pacific Institute Proposal Diagram
Exhibit 35 Tim Krantz Presentation - Power Point (82MB) or PDF (9MB)