Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Project No. 2101
Project Name: Upper American River Hydroelectric Project (UARP) Project No. 2101

Applicant: Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Counties: El Dorado and Sacramento
FERC License Expiration Date: June 30, 2064
Water Quality Certification Status: Issued - October 4, 2013
Waterbodies: Rubicon River, Silver Creek, South Fork
FERC Licensing Process: Alternative Licensing Process
Project Description
UARP was constructed between 1959 and 1985 and was gradually placed in service between 1961 and 1985.
UARP is located on the western slope of the Sierra Nevada mountain range and uses water for power generation derived from surface runoff accumulated from approximately 674 square miles of drainage area in the Rubicon River, Silver Creek and South Fork American River watersheds, most of which flows in a generally westward direction. The topography of the UARP watersheds is characterized by mountains in the east, gradually changing to low, rounded hills in the lower elevations towards the west. FERC’s UARP boundary encompasses 6,375.2 acres of United States-owned land administered by the United States Forest Service as part of the El Dorado National Forest, and 53.9 acres of United States-owned land administered by the Bureau of Land Management.
UARP consists of seven hydroelectric developments with eight powerhouses and 11 reservoirs (Rubicon Reservoir, Buck Island Reservoir, Loon Lake Reservoir, Gerle Creek Reservoir, Robbs Peak Reservoir, Ice House Reservoir, Union Valley Reservoir, Junction Reservoir, Camino Reservoir, Brush Creek Reservoir and Slab Creek Reservoir).
UARP is upstream of the Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project (Chili Bar Project), and greatly influences the operations of the Chili Bar Project. The Relicensing Settlement Agreement for the Upper American River Project and Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project (Settlement Agreement) addresses the issues of inconsistent flow and limited storage capacity associated with the Chili Bar Project and its connection to UARP. Implementation of the cooperation agreement between SMUD and the Pacific Gas and Electric Company (owner of the Chili Bar Project) should regulate flows between the two projects.
State Water Board staff have been involved throughout the FERC relicensing process (which began in 2001), and provided guidance during the Settlement Agreement process. The Settlement Agreement addressed the majority of issues raised during the relicensing process and the draft water quality certification includes many of the terms of the Settlement Agreement, with minor changes. FERC relicensed the project on July 23, 2014.
Related Documents
- Water Quality Certification Amendment for Minimum Instream Flows below Slab Creek Reservoir Dam and Interim Modifications to Reservoir Elevations - Issued April 27, 2018
- Final Temporary Water Quality Certification Amendment for Minimum Instream Flow Variance - Issued September 01, 2016
- SMUD Notification of Minimum Instream Flow - Buck Island - October 9, 2014
- SWRCB Conditional Approval of Request for Minimum Instream Flow Variance - Buck Island - October 20, 2014
- SMUD Response to SWRCB Conditional Approval - October 22, 2014
- SMUD Notification of Minimum Instream Flow Resumption - November 18, 2014
- SWRCB Conditional Approval of Request for Minimum Instream Flow Variance - Buck Island - October 20, 2014
- FERC License - Issued July 23, 2014
- Final Water Quality Certification - Issued October 4, 2013
- Draft Water Quality Certification: Interested Party Comments - Deadline to receive comments was November 14, 2011
- Notice of Draft Water Quality Certification (October 7, 2011)
- Draft Water Quality Certification (October 7, 2011)
- Final CEQA Supplemental Analysis
- Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s Final Environmental Impact Statement for the Upper American River Project, FERC Project No. 2101 (March 2008)
- Relicensing Settlement Agreement for the Upper American River Project and Chili Bar Hydroelectric Project (January 2007)
- Rationale Report for Relicensing Settlement Agreement (January 2007)
- Cooperation Agreement Between Sacramento Municipal Utility District and Pacific Gas and Electric Company Regarding Upper American River Project and Chili Bar Project (January 2007)
- UARP and Chili Bar Map (May 2005) - Contains locations of Monitoring Program sites
- Water Temperature Technical Report (May 2005)
- Water Quality Technical Report (May 2005)
- Channel Morphology Technical Report (April 2005)
- Stream Fisheries Technical Report (January 2005)
- Aquatic Bioassessment Technical Report (January 2005)
- Riparian Vegetation and Wetlands Technical Report (January 2004)