Irrigated Lands Program Banner

Third-Party Programs

Growers may choose to comply with portions of Ag Order 4.0 by participating in third-party groups or programs (e.g., certification program, watershed group, water quality coalition, monitoring coalition, or other cooperative effort). In this case, the third-party can assist individual growers in achieving compliance with Ag Order 4.0, including implementing water quality improvement projects, and required monitoring and reporting as described in the Monitoring and Reporting Program. Ag Order 4.0 outlines minimum criteria for Third-Party Programs such as effectiveness of scale and scope, clearly stated goals, objectives, and roles as well as planning, coordination, data management, and documentation (see pages 15-19 of the Order).

The Central Coast Water Board encourages Dischargers to participate in third-party monitoring programs to comply with monitoring and reporting requirements. Dischargers not participating in a third-party monitoring program must conduct required monitoring and reporting individually. Participation in a third-party monitoring program does not relieve Dischargers of the responsibility to comply with these requirements or of the requirement to have their ranch-level data reported to the Central Coast Water Board.

Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc.

Ag Order Compliance Support
Website: Central Coast Water Quality Preservation, Inc.
(831) 240-9533

RFP Contacts

Questions to clarify the intent of this RFP may be addressed to the Central Coast Water Board project contacts listed below.

Paula Richter
(805) 549-3865

Claire Bjork
(805) 549-3702