San Antonio Creek Nitrate TMDL
Problem Statement - San Antonio Creek is on the 2008/2010 303(d) List of impaired waters due to excessive levels of un-ionized ammonia and nitrite and low levels of dissolved oxygen. This project will evaluate and address these impairments.
- November 19, 2015 - Central Coast Water Board adopts the San Antonio Creek Nitrate TMDL
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board members and the interested public)
- Resolution No. R3-2015-0032 (The resolution is an action item the Water Board votes on to adopt the TMDL)
- TMDL Report (A technical report that provides the scientific and policy-basis for the TMDL
- Larry Harlan
Status and Public Notices
- Status: Pending USEPA approval.
- Public Notice: None at this time.
Approval status
- Central Coast Water Board
- adopted November 19, 2015.