San Lorenzo River Sediment TMDL
Problem Statement - The natural processes of erosion and sedimentation in the San Lorenzo River Watershed have been accelerated due to anthropogenic watershed disturbances. Studies conducted by various authors have concluded that erosion rates were two to four times natural rates. These studies have also documented and quantified the decline in anadromous fisheries and the quality of fish habitat. Excessive sedimentation has interfered with the beneficial uses of these waterbodies including, Fish and Wildlife (RARE, MIGR, SPWN, WILD).
- February 19, 2004 - USEPA approves the San Lorenzo River Sediment TMDL
- December 18, 2003 - OAL approves the San Lorenzo River Sediment TMDL
- September 16, 2003 - State Board approves the San Lorenzo River Sediment TMDL
- May 16, 2003- Central Coast Water Board adopts the San Lorenzo River Sediment TMDL
- Staff Report
- Attachment 1 - Resolution R3-2002-0063 and Basin Plan Amendment Language
- Attachment 2 - Project Report (technical report that provides the basis for the TMDL)
- Daniel Ellis
Status and Public Notices
- Status: fully approved and effective.
- Public Notice: none at this time.
Approval status
- Central Coast Water Board
- adopted May 16, 2003. - State Water Resources Control Board
- approved September 16, 2003. - Office of Administrative Law (OAL)
- approved December 18, 2003, which is the effective date. - US Environmental Protection Agency
- approved February 19, 2004.