Tularcitos Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDL


Problem Statement - Waterbodies in the Tularcitos Creek subwatershed are impaired due to exceedance of fecal coliform water quality objectives. Consequently, water contact recreation beneficial uses- are not being protected. It is noteworthy the nature and magnitude of the impairment is quite moderate, and there appear to have been recent improvements in bacterial water quality. This project identifies the causes of impairment and describes solutions to achieve water quality objectives and protection of beneficial uses.


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Status and Public Notices

  • Status: Fully approved and effective.
  • Public Notice: None at this time.

Approval status

  • Central Coast Water Board
    - Executive Officer certified May 17, 2011, which is the effective date.
  • US Environmental Protection Agency
    - approved November 30, 2011.