Drinking Water Field Operations Branch - Tehachapi District 19
Resources for Public Water System
Documents and Forms
- Public Water System Classification
- Drinking Water Regulations
- Public Drinking Water Watch
Here is a guidance document on how to view your public water system's chemical results and monitoring schedule on Public Drinking Water Watch
- Community public water systems, that serve a disadvantaged community, may apply for a reduction in Public Water System Annual Fee. Read this document for instructions.
- Bacteriological Sample Siting Plan Template for systems sampling more than once a month
- Bacteriological Sample Siting Plan Template systems sampling once a month or less
- Level 1 Assessment Forms and other useful information on revised total coliform rule can be seen here
- California TCR/Federal rTCR Interim requirements
- Consumer Confidence Report (not required for transient non-community water systems)
- Electronic Annual Report (this link will take you to the DRINC Portal)
- 2019 Emergency Notification Plan
- Medium and Large Water System ENP Template (200 or more connections)
- Small Water System ENP Template (less than 200 connections)
Useful resources on emergency preparedness, water security, and template Emergency/Disaster Response Plans can be found here. All community water systems should submit an Emergency/Disaster Response Plan to our district office.
- Lead and Copper Results Guidance Document
- Lead and Copper Results Reporting Form
- Lead and Copper Sampling Site Change Form
- The Division of Drinking Water is now utilizing the Lab-To-State (LTS) Portal for electronically submitting lead and copper results. As a water system representative, please encourage your contract lab to submit lead and copper results via the LTS Portal.
- Permit Application Form (for new public water systems, change of ownership of a public water system). Please note that a written approval from our office is needed before operating any new facilities.
- Permit Amendment Application Form. A public water system must submit a permit amendment application form if the water system goes through one of the following changes.
- New groundwater well requirements. This document summarizes the requirements for drilling a new well and adding it to your water system. The attachments referenced in the document can be found here.
- Technical/Managerial/Financial or TMF capacity guidance page.
- A variety of public notices that a water system may have to issue in conjunction with the Tehachapi District can be found here. Please note that these public notices must be reviewed and approved by our district office before issuing.
- Certification of Completion of Public Notification. This form must be submitted to the district office whenever a public notice is issued.