
Bioassessment Information

Region Maps

Lahontan Bioassessment Scores map

SWAMP Protocols and Methods

The SWAMP program has published protocols and guidance to be used for most ambient bioassessments of perennial wadeable streams in California. Those protocols (for both benthic macroinvertebrates and algae), along with field forms and other bioassessment publications and tools are available at the State Water Board’s bioassessment webpage.

It is important to note that, while the above protocols will be used in many situations, a variety of different protocols may be used or required in the Lahontan Region. For example, different taxonomic effort may be needed for some projects. Whenever bioassessment sampling is required by the Regional Water Board, the methods will be specified.

For projects that rely on the UC-SNARL methodology (developed in the 1990s), the Quality Assurance Project Plan for that method remains available at this website.