Public Notices - Decisions Pending and Opportunities for Public Participation

In keeping with California's commitment to provide meaningful public involvement in governmental decisions, the North Coast Regional Water Board receives public comments on many types of draft documents: Basin Plan amendments, draft permits and enforcement orders, site cleanup plans, California Environmental Quality Act documents, and more. This page contains links to public notices for projects currently in a public comment period. You may also visit the Board Meeting calendar for information about upcoming public hearings, workshops, information items and other items being considered by the North Coast Regional Water Board and associated comment periods.

Public Notices

Public Hearings

Public Workshops

Notice of public hearing and opportunity to comment No. R1-2019-0021 Update on implementation of Order No. R1-2019-0021, Waste Discharge Requirements for Humboldt Redwood Company in the Elk River Watershed (Elk River WDR), including harvest activity limits in high-risk areas and riparian zone protections.

Notice is hereby given that the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) will hold a public meeting to consider comments and provide Regional Water Board staff direction on potential changes to the above specific requirements of the Elk River WDR is scheduled for Friday, August 16, 2024, at 9:00 a.m. in the Eureka City Hall City Council Chambers, 531 K Street, Room 208, in Eureka, California. The Regional Water Board will accept written comments on requirements related to harvesting in high-risk areas and riparian management zone protection established by the Elk River WDR no later three days before the Board meeting, in accordance with this notice.

Basin Planning

Total Maximum Daily Loads

Board Meetings

How to Participate

Laws and Regulations Relevant to Current Public Proceedings

  • California Water Code
    The official Water Code on the California Legislative Counsel Website
  • California Health & Safety Code
    The official Health & Safety Code on the California Legislative Counsel Website, which contains provisions relating to underground storage tanks.

The State Water Board also maintains compilations of various laws relevant to different areas of the water boards’ responsibilities. While every effort is made to ensure these compilations are accurate and up-to-date, you should consult the official version of the California Code or the United States Code if in doubt.

California Code of Regulations

  • California Code of Regulations
    The entire California Code of Regulations maintained by the California Office of Administrative Law (OAL)
  • Title 23. Waters
    Title 23 (Waters) of the California Code of Regulations on the OAL Website
    • Amendments to California Code of Regulations, Title 23, Division 3, Chapter 27 (commencing with section 3720) were adopted by the State Water Board on November 16, 2010, approved by the Office of Administrative Law on January 19, 2011, and are effective on February 18, 2011.
    • Final Approved Regulations
    • Final Approved Regulations (Comparison)
  • Title 27. Environmental Protection
    Title 27 (Environmental Protection), Division 2, Subdivision 1 (Consolidated Regulations or Treatment, Storage, Processing or Disposal of Solid Waste) of the California Code of Regulations on the OAL Website
  • Plans and Policies
    Water Quality Control Plans (Basin Plans) and State Policies for Water Quality Control have the legal force and effect of regulation.

The State Water Board also maintains compilations of regulations in different areas of the water boards’ responsibilities. While every effort is made to ensure these compilations are accurate and up-to-date, you should consult the official California Code of Regulations if in doubt.

Laws and Regulations Applicable to the Conduct of Board Meetings and Adjudicative Proceedings

Water Quality Petitions

Any person aggrieved by an action of the Regional Water Board may petition the State Water Board to review the action in accordance with California Water Code section 13320 and title 23 California Code of Regulations sections 2050 and following. The State Water Board must receive the petition by 5:00 p.m., within 30 calendar days of the date of action or failure to act, except if the thirtieth day following the date of action or inaction falls on a Saturday, Sunday, or state holiday, the petition must be received by the State Water Board by 5:00 p.m. on the next business day.

For instructions on how to file a petition for review, see the Water Quality Petitions Intruction webpage

  • Includes instructions for filing water quality petitions and opportunity to download electronic versions of water quality petitions are now available at the Water Quality Petitions webpage.

Ex Parte Communications

Additional Information