Water Quality Certification Public Notices

Water Quality Certification Actions - Applicants for federal permits that involve dredge or fill activities in surface waters (including wetlands) are required to obtain certification from the state verifying that the activity will comply with state water quality standards. Most of these federal permits are referred to as 404 permits (in reference to Section 404 of the federal Clean Water Act). Applicants for some other types of federal license or permits (ex. FERC licenses) that authorize activities that may result in discharges to waters of the United States are also required to obtain state certification. This state certification is called 401 Certification (in reference to Section 401 of the Clean Water Act). In California, 401 certification actions are the responsibility of the State and Regional Water Quality Control Boards. It is the policy of this Regional Board to provide public notice of pending 401 Certification actions in order to gather comments from concerned agencies and the public. The following list contains notification of pending 401 Certification actions.

 Project Name WDID County  Location Description Comment period Contact Info
Korbel Pasquini Canyon Creek Bank Repair and Ditch Excavation 1B24095WNSO Sonoma 38.51500°N, - 122.96698°W The purpose of this Project is to repair a section of the creek bank that is failing near a road and to excavate excess sediment from the channel to increase the capacity in the channel and to reduce roadway flooding during heavy rains. The bank repair will permanently impact approximately 50 feet of creek channel where RSP will be placed to stabilize the bank. These permanent impacts will be mitigated by interplanting the RSP with willow stakes to secure the RSP, vegetate the area and soften the creek bank. The ditch excavation will temporarily impact approximately 1,100 feet of stream channel. The Project is proposed to be constructed between August and October, 2024, depending on permitting. July 23, 2024 through August 13, 2024 Paul Nelson
Wadulh Lagoon Tidal Wetland Enhancement Project 1B24079WNHU Humboldt 40.89595, -124.13798 The Project will restore a diked former agricultural pasture to a combination of estuarine and palustrine wetland habitats, including salt marsh, brackish marsh, mudflat, and subtidal/intertidal eelgrass habitat, while protecting existing forested wetlands to the west which July 18 through August 7, 2024 Jake Shannon