Announcement- Public Comment Period and Board Hearing 2025 Basin Plan Remediation Project

The North Coast Water Board has prepared editorial amendments to the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) to comport with current regulations and improve the accessibility, accuracy, and clarity of the Basin Plan. The amendments are currently available for a 45-day public review and comment period through April 28, 2025. The public hearing is currently scheduled for June 12th or 13th, 2025. The Staff Report linked below provides an overview of the project and is a guide to the non-regulatory amendments in each chapter.
Documents for public review:

The purpose of the 2025 Basin Plan Remediation project is to ensure the Basin Plan for the North Coast Region is clear, accurate, current, and accessible. The revisions to the Basin Plan under this project are non-regulatory changes because they are editorial in nature or incorporate provisions that were adopted by the State Water Board and are already in effect statewide (and therefore, the North Coast Water Board is already subject to and implementing those provisions). Consequently, the revisions are changes that do not materially alter any requirement, right, responsibility, condition, prescription, or other regulatory element of the Basin Plan, and are therefore without regulatory effect under California Code of Regulations ((CCR), title 1, section 100, subdivision (a)). Rather, these Basin Plan revisions improve and clarify the application and implementation of water quality protections already applicable to the North Coast Region. Basin Plan amendments are not final until approved by the North Coast Water Board, State Water Board and Office of Administrative Law. The U.S. EPA must also review and approve amendments that add or modify water quality standards for waters of the United States.

Written comments regarding the Staff Report and proposed amendments must be submitted and received by the North Coast Water Board by 5:00 p.m. on April 28, 2025. Electronically submitted comments in pdf text format (if less than 15 megabytes in total size) can be sent to If the file is greater than 15 megabytes in total size, then the comment letter may be submitted by fax at (707) 523-0135 or mailed to Planning Unit, 5550 Skylane Blvd, Ste. A, Santa Rosa, CA 95403. Written comments received after the above date will not be accepted, except at the discretion of the North Coast Water Board Chair. Staff request that comments on the Staff Report and proposed amendments be submitted with the subject line “Comments on Basin Plan Remediation.”

An Introduction to the Basin Plan

The Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (Basin Plan) contains the regulations adopted by the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) to control the discharge of waste and other controllable factors affecting the quality of waters of the state within the boundaries of the North Coast Region. Porter-Cologne defines “Waters of the state” to mean any surface water or groundwater, including saline waters, within the boundaries of the state. The Basin Plan, as amended periodically, establishes the beneficial uses of water within the region; the water quality objectives necessary to protect those uses, including an Anti-degradation policy; the prohibitions, policies, and action plans, by which protections are implemented; and the monitoring, which is conducted to ensure attainment of water quality standards.  Under the Clean Water Act, water quality standards include designated uses, water quality criteria, and an Anti-degradation policy.  Porter-Cologne modifies the federal language to refer to designated uses as beneficial uses and water quality criteria as water quality objectives, which includes the State Water Board’s Anti-degradation policy (Resolution 68-16).  Porter-Cologne also requires a program of implementation for water quality protection in California.  A program of implementation includes actions necessary to achieve objectives, a time schedule for the actions to be taken, and monitoring to determine compliance with water quality objectives and protection of beneficial uses of water.

The Basin Plan is adopted by the Regional Water Board and approved by the State Water Resources Control Board (State Board), and the Office of Administrative Law (OAL). The United State Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) approves the water quality standards contained in the Basin Plan, as required by the Clean Water Act.

The Basin Plan is used as a regulatory tool by the Regional Water Board. Regional Water Board orders cite the Basin Plan's water quality standards, prohibitions, and other programs of implementation applicable to a particular discharge or category of discharge. The Basin Plan is also used by other agencies in their permitting and resource management activities. Further, it serves as an educational and reference document for dischargers and members of the public.

Chapter 1 provides general information about the Basin Planning program, the North Coast Region, and other similar introductory topics.

Chapter 2 provides a description of the statewide and regional beneficial use categories by which waters in the North Coast Region are defined.  Table 2-1 of the Basin Plan designates beneficial uses on a waterbody-by-waterbody basis.  Of note, the Regional Water Board adopts orders and permits to protect verified, existing beneficial uses of water, whether or not they are listed in Table 2-1.

Chapter 3 describes the purpose and use of water quality objectives (objectives), including the Anti-degradation policy, in establishing requirements in permits and orders to control the discharge of waste and other controllable factors associated with the discharge of waste. Chapter 3 references statewide objectives, for example as described in the Ocean Plan, Bays and Estuaries Plan, and Inland Surface Waters Plan.  It also establishes both numeric and narrative objectives specific to the North Coast Region for both surface waters and groundwaters.

Chapter 4 describes numerous programs of implementation, by which the Regional Water Board implements water quality objectives and other beneficial use protections.

Chapter 5 describes the plans and policies of the State Water Board.  The most updated list of the State Water Board’s plans and policies can be found in the Plans and Policies page.

Chapter 6 describes the monitoring activities of the North Coast Region.

How to Access the Basin Plan

We encourage users to access the electronic version of the Basin Plan from the Internet, by going to the Basin Plan Documents page. The Basin Plan can be downloaded and printed directly from the Internet. Users can also explore the Basin Plan and other layers relevant to the North Coast by web application (web app). A Story Map tutorial on using the Basin Plan web app is forthcoming.

If you require a hardcopy of the Basin Plan be mailed to you, the Regional Water Board can print and mail a copy of the plan, though charges for copying and postage will apply.  To request a copy to be printed for you, please call 707-576-2220 or e-mail

Mailing List

We maintain an email list of persons interested in basin planning issues, including individual basin planning projects.  We encourage those interested in basin planning issues to subscribe to the Basin Planning email list. You may subscribe to as many of the email lists as are of interest to you.

Contact Us

Contact information for specific planning projects are posted on the project web pages. If you have general questions about the content of the Basin Plan or the amendment process, please contact:

Lisa Bernard, Regional Water Board's Program Manager
