North Coast Basin Plan 2023 Triennial Review - Status Summary

The North Coast Water Board adopted a resolution approving the 2023 Triennial Review of the Basin Plan and Planning Program Workplan for Fiscal Years 2024-2027 at a public hearing on June 14, 2024. The final Staff Report (below) contains descriptions of all projects proposed for consideration and staff recommendations for each.

Basin Plan Amendment Proposals

Although the solicitation period for the 2023 Triennial Review closed May 5, 2023, the online Form to propose amendments to the Basin Plan remains active, as Basin Plan amendment proposals can be submitted to the Planning Unit any time. All basin plan amendment project proposals received after May 5, 2023 will be reviewed and considered during the next Triennial Review.

Triennial Review of the Basin Plan - Background

Section 13240 of the Porter-Cologne and Section 303(c)(1) of the Clean Water Act require a review of basin plans at least once each three-year period to keep pace with changes in regulation, new technologies, policies, and physical changes within the region. The Regional Water Board is responsible for reviewing the Basin Plan, and is required to: 1) identify those portions of the Basin Plan, which are in need of modification or new additions; 2) adopt standards as appropriate; and 3) recognize those portions of the Basin Plan, which are appropriate as written.  The Regional Water Board solicits written and oral public input, which it considers prior to adopting by resolution a prioritized list of basin planning projects.  The highest priority projects establish the workplan of the Regional Water Board’s Planning Program for the next three year period.

2023 Triennial Review

The Regional Water Board’s 2023 Triennial Review of the Basin Plan began in March 2023 with a call for proposals for basin planning projects. Planning staff reviewed the Basin Plan, changes to regulations since the last update, and Basin Plan amendment proposals received through solicitation. Proposals were reviewed and considered for recommendation based on factors like: statutory or regulatory requirements, existing commitments, importance to implementation of other Regional Water Board programs, opportunities to improve clarity or consistency within the Basin Plan, stated priorities of the Regional or State Water Boards and US EPA, and the availability of staff and external resources to support the project. Many of the high priority projects identified in the 2018 Triennial Review are still underway and staff resources are committed to complete those projects. Staff recommendations for newly proposed projects also consider the availability of necessary expertise, funding, and other resources available to pursue planning work. Once adopted, the list of priority projects establishes the workplan of the Regional Water Board’s Planning Program for the next cycle.

The Draft Staff Report 2023 Triennial Review of the Water Quality Control Plan for the North Coast Region (draft Staff Report) documents the results of Planning staff’s review, the full list of proposals received, and staff’s initial recommendations for the Planning Program workplan. Planning staff published the draft Staff Report and solicited public input for a 45-day public comment period from September 15, 2023 - October 30, 2023. Planning staff considered all written comments received and provided formal responses to the public comments in a Response to Comments document (below) with the board materials for the June 14, 2024 Board Hearing.

Public Engagement Opportunities

Estimated Timeframe

Basin Plan amendment proposal submittals

March 7 - May 5, 2023

Public review of draft Staff Report

September 15- October 30, 2023

Board hearing approving Triennial Review

June 14th, 2024

To receive future notice of Triennial Review and other Basin Planning updates please subscribe to our email list:

Triennial Review staff contact: Michelle Fuller, Environmental Scientist in the Planning Unit:  or (707) 576-2350.

2018 Triennial Review

The 2018 Triennial Review of the Basin Plan was adopted by the Regional Water Board at a public hearing September 6, 2018.

Adopted Documents

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