Work Plan to Control Excess Sediment

The Staff Work Plan to Control Excess Sediment in Sediment-Impaired Watersheds (Work Plan) describes the actions and tasks staff of the North Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board (Regional Water Board) are currently taking or intend to take over the next ten years, as resources allow, to control human-caused excess sediment in the sediment-impaired water bodies of the North Coast Region. The Work Plan is a staff-level planning document that will help prioritize work associated with excess sediment control.

The Work Plan was developed by staff to fulfill the Regional Water Board’s direction under the Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Implementation Policy Statement for Sediment Impaired Receiving Waters in the North Coast Region (Resolution No. R1-2004-0087).
More information on this Policy

Available Documents:

Final Versions With Changes from the 11/14/07 Public Review Draft Shown in Strike-out/Underline Format

Additional Information

Regional Water Board staff presented workshops on the Work Plan during the December 2007 and January 2008 Board Meetings. The following documents from those meetings contain additional information on the Work Plan.

Staff Contact Information

For information, comments, or questions on the Work Plan, please contact Lisa Bernard at 576-2677 or

  (Page last updated 7/9/24)
