Shasta River TMDL
The purpose of this website is to provide information on the Shasta River
The Klamath Basin TMDL Fact
Sheet provides general information about Shasta and Klamath Rivers.
Notice of Public Comment Period, Workshop and Hearing
Proposed Order No. R1-2025-0011 to Renew
Order No. R1-2018-0018 Scott River TMDL Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharger Requirements
And Order No. R1-2018-0019 Shasta River TMDL Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge RequirementsCEQA Scoping for Public Comment: Notice of Preparation, Initial Study, and CEQA Scoping Meeting
A Notice of Preparation of a Draft Environmental Impact Report to analyze environmental impacts from the Commercial Agricultural Operations in the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds Order has been noticed. An Initial Study has been released for public comment. Access these documents at the links provided below:- Access at the State Clearinghouse (SCH#2025020048)
General Waste Discharge Requirements for Commercial Agricultural Operations in the Scott River and Shasta River Watersheds - Notice of Preparation and Scoping Meeting Notice
- Initial Study for GWDRs
A CEQA Scoping Meeting with an in-person and virtual option will be conducted on:
Wednesday February 26, 2025, 4:00 p.m.-6:00 p.m. in Yreka, CA.
See the Notice of Preparation link provided above for more information on how to attend the CEQA Scoping Meeting.
The comment period ends at 5:00 pm on Monday March 3, 2025. Written comments may be submitted to On April 21, 2023, the short-term renewal of the Scott and Shasta 2018 TMDL Conditional Waivers of WDRs were adopted as Order No. R1-2023-0005
- Public Comment on the Short Term Renewal of Scott and Shasta 2018 Orders
- Access at the State Clearinghouse (SCH#2025020048)
- On April 19, 2018, the Regional Water Board renewed the Shasta River TMDL Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirements (Waiver) for 5 additional years to address dissolved oxygen and temperature impairments in the Shasta River watershed and provide support for beneficial uses. The full text of the adopted waiver can be found at the link below.
- As with previous waivers, The Regional Water Board conditionally waives the requirements for Dischargers to file a Report of Waste discharge and obtain Waste Discharge Requirements pursuant to Water Code section 13269 for all discharges not already authorized under an existing permit or order if dischargers are in compliance with the conditions of the Waiver. Key findings from the waiver are listed below, but all dischargers are expected to review and understand the requirements of the Waiver.
- Dischargers are expected to work cooperatively with the Regional Water Board to assess risks to water quality from their operations.
- Dischargers are expected to implement the best management practices described in Waiver Finding 5(a-q) as appropriate for their operations or work collaboratively with the Regional Water Board to develop new best management practices that provide equal or better water quality protections.
- Dischargers may be required to develop and submit Grazing and Riparian Management Plans and/or Erosion Control Plans as required by the Regional Water Board’s Executive Officer.
- Dischargers may be required to develop and implement site specific monitoring and reporting plans as required by the Regional Water Board’s Executive Officer.
- This Waiver in no way supersedes or limits the requirements of any enforcement actions that are issued by the State Water Board or Regional Water Board.
Shasta River Tailwater Reduction: Demonstration and Implementation Project
State Water Resources Control Board Agricultural Water Quality Grant Implemented by
Shasta Valley Resource Conservation District
- Shasta River Tailwater Reduction: Demonstration and Implementation Project Final Project Report
- Final Project Report
- Appendix A- Report References and Tailwater Prioritization Criteria
July 27th, 2011 Workshop Documents
- Shasta River TMDL Workshop Reporting for Ranchers
- Workshop Agenda
- Landowner Letter
- Shasta River TMDL Reporting for Ranchers
- Irrigation Tailwater Management Brochure
- AquaTerra Tailwater Document
- Notice for Ranchers to Comply with the Shasta TMDL
- Letter of Intent for Ranchers to Comply with the Shasta TMDL
- Shasta River TMDL Annual Reporting Requirements for Ranchers Frequently Asked Questions
- Fact Sheet: Implementation of the Shasta River TMDL Conditional Waiver of Waste Discharge Requirement Program - May 15, 2018
- Shasta River TMDL Update for Ranchers - September 26, 2007
- Draft Shasta River TMDL Implementation Workplan - Draft Workplan, March 20, 2007
- RESOLUTION NO. R1- 2006- 0052 - June 28, 2006
Basin Plan Language - June 28, 2006
Additional Documents
Contact Us
Elias Scott
Environmental Scientist
Adaptive Management Unit
TMDL Projects
- Albion River
- Big River
- Coastal Pathogens
- Eel River, North Fork
- Eel River, Upper Main
- Eel River, Middle Main
- Eel River, Middle Fork
- Eel River, Lower Main
- Eel River, South Fork
- Elk River
- Freshwater Creek
- Garcia River
- Gualala River
- Klamath River
- Laguna De Santa Rosa
- Lost River, Upper
- Lost River, Lower
- Mad River
- Mattole River
- Navarro River
- Noyo River
- Redwood Creek
- Russian River
- Salmon River
- Scott River
- Shasta River
- Stemple Creek
- Ten Mile River
- Trinity River
- Trinity River, South Fork
- Van Duzen River