TMDL Projects
Central Coast - TMDL Projects
For more information on Total Maximum Daily Loads (TMDLs), please see our general information page on TMDLs.
Please see the lower section of this page called "TMDL Resources" for other TMDL related links.
TMDL Projects Currently in Development
- Elkhorn Slough and Bennett Slough biostimulatory substances TMDL
- Santa Ynez River basin nutrients TMDL
- Pesticide Water Quality Criteria Development
- Salinas River watershed organophosphate pesticides and toxicity TMDL
- Santa Maria River watershed neonicotinoid TMDL
The section below is a list of the all the TMDL Projects adopted or in development.
TMDL Project Names - listed in alphabetical order
Dates indicate Central Coast Water Board adoption.
- Aptos/Valencia Creek pathogen TMDL, adopted May 8, 2009
- Arroyo de la Cruz indicator bacteria TMDL, adopted May 17, 2011
- Arroyo Paredon diazinon TMDL, adopted March 14, 2013
- Arroyo Paredon nitrate TMDL, adopted December 5, 2013
- Bell Creek nitrate TMDL, adopted May 30, 2013
- Cholame Creek indicator bacteria TMDL, adopted May 17, 2011
- Chorro Creek nutrients and dissolved oxygen TMDL, adopted July 7, 2006
- Clear Creek and Hernandez Reservoir mercury TMDL, adopted March 19, 2004
- Corralitos Creek pathogen TMDL, adopted March 20, 2009
- Dairy Creek dissolved oxygen TMDL, adopted December 3, 2004
- Elkhorn Slough and Bennett Slough biostimulatory substances TMDL, in development
- Estrella River basin boron TMDL, adopted December 5, 2013
- Franklin Creek nutrients TMDL (Carpinteria Salt Marsh Watershed), adopted March 23, 2018
- Gabilan Creek watershed turbidity TMDL, adopted February 18, 2022
- Glen Annie Canyon, Tecolotito Creek, and Carneros Creek nitrate TMDL, adopted March 7, 2014
- Jalama Creek chloride and sodium TMDL, adopted May 30, 2013
- Las Tablas Creek and Lake Nacimiento mercury TMDL, adopted May 16, 2003
- Los Berros Creek nitrate TMDL, adopted May 3, 2012
- Los Osos and Warden Creek and Warden Lake wetland nutrient TMDL, adopted December 3, 2004
- Morro Bay (including Chorro and Los Osos Creeks)
- Pathogen TMDL, adopted May 16, 2003
- Sediment TMDL, adopted May 16, 2003
- Pajaro River watershed (including Pajaro River, San Benito River, Llagas Creek and Tequisquita Slough)
- Chlorpyrifos and diazinon TMDL, adopted July 11, 2013
- Fecal coliform TMDL, adopted March 20, 2009
- Nitrate TMDL, adopted December 2, 2005 superseded by Pajaro River nutrients TMDL, July 30, 2015
- Nutrients TMDL, adopted July 30, 2015
- Sediment TMDL, adopted December 2, 2005
- Pinto Lake catchment TMDL addressing cyanobacterial blooms, adopted July 16, 2020
- Salinas River watershed (lower Salinas)
- Chlorpyrifos and diazinon TMDL, adopted May 5, 2011
- Fecal coliform TMDL, adopted September 2, 2010
- Nutrient TMDL, adopted March 14, 2013
- Organophosphate pesticides and Toxicity TMDL, adopted June 21, 2024
- Sediment toxicity TMDL, adopted July 14, 2017
- Turbidity TMDL adopted February 18, 2022
- San Antonio Creek (Santa Barbara County) chlorpyrifos TMDL, adopted May 3, 2012
- San Antonio Creek nitrate TMDL, adopted November 19, 2015
- San Antonio River (lower) indicator bacteria TMDL, adopted May 17, 2011
- San Lorenzo Creek (Monterey County) indicator bacteria TMDL, adopted May 17, 2011
- San Lorenzo River watershed
- Chlorpyrifos TMDL, adopted May 29, 2014
- Nitrate TMDL, adopted September 15, 2000
- Pathogen TMDL, adopted May 8, 2009
- Sediment TMDL, adopted May 16, 2003
- San Luis Obispo Creek
- Nutrient TMDL, adopted September 9, 2005
- Pathogen TMDL, adopted December 3, 2004
- San Simeon Creek nutrients TMDL, in development
- Santa Maria River watershed TMDL
- Fecal indicator bacteria, adopted March 15, 2012
- Nutrients, adopted May 30, 2013
- Pesticides, adopted January 30, 2014
- Neonicotinoid pesticides , in development
- Santa Ynez River basin TMDL addressing nutrient pollution, adopted June 22, 2023
- Soquel Lagoon pathogens TMDL, adopted May 8, 2009
- Tularcitos Creek indicator bacteria TMDL, adopted May 17, 2011
- Watsonville Slough pathogens TMDL, adopted March 24, 2006

Web Map of TMDL Project Areas
To download Web Map spatial data, click here.
- Daniel Ellis, 805-549-3889
- Larry Harlan, 805-594-6195
- Shanta Keeling, 805-549-3464