Arroyo de la Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDL
Problem Statement - Waterbodies in the Arroyo de la Cruz watershed are impaired due to exceedance of E. coli water quality criteria. Consequently, the Basin Plan general toxicity objective is not being protected. However, the nature of the impairment appears to be quite moderate and exceedances of E. coli water quality criteria are not routine. This project identifies the causes of impairment and describes solutions to achieve water quality objectives and protection of beneficial uses.
- TMDL Implementation References
- California Rangeland Water Quality Managment Plan (searchable pdf as available from:
- California Rangeland Water Quality Management Plan (original scan - July 1995)
- California Nonpoint Source Encyclopedia - Grazing Management Practices and Information Resources
- California Rangeland Watershed Laboratory
- Managing Grazing for Water Quality (Dr. Ken Tate and Dr. Rob Atwill, 2011)
- California Rangeland Water Quality Managment Plan (searchable pdf as available from:
- November 30, 2011 - USEPA approves the Arroyo de la Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDL
- May 17, 2011 - Central Coast Water Board Executive Officer certifies the Arroyo de la Cruz Fecal Indicator Bacteria TMDL
- Staff Report (A summary of the TMDL project for Water Board management and the interested public)
- Certification (A formal affirmation by the Water Board approving an alternative TMDL implementation approach)
- Project Report (A technical report that provides the scientific and policy-basis for the TMDL)
For Additional Information
- Many or all of the documents available on this webpage are presented in a Portable Document Format (PDF). You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view these documents. You can download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader, free of charge, by clicking here.
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- To be notified of updates and meetings regarding this TMDL please subscribe to the Rangeland Watersheds Certified Bacteria TMDLs, 2011 email subscription list
- Daniel Ellis
Status and Public Notices
- Status:
- Report Card - September 2022
- Fully approved and effective.
- Public Notice: None at this time.
Approval status
- Central Coast Water Board
- Executive Officer certified May 17, 2011, which is the effective date. - US Environmental Protection Agency
- approved November 30, 2011.